Apparently during any very intense workout, the capillaries just above and below my eyes burst, rusulting in a heat rash/abrasion looking area. It doesnt hurt or anything, should I even care? Also, does anybody else get this?
I realize I could have posted this in the off-topic forum, but I am a powerlifter. So…yeah, it’s here.
It happens to me on ME deadlifts.
oh yeah yes this has happened to me before…
worst case of these was after a max deadlift.
Is anything happening besides your eyes turning red? I think that’s a sign that you made a true max effort attempt.
I had this happen on my forearm from deadlifts.
It’s happened to me before. It won’t harm you.
[quote]FightingScott wrote:
Is anything happening besides your eyes turning red? I think that’s a sign that you made a true max effort attempt. [/quote]
No thats pretty much it. I just thought this was odd, as it happens during intese rep work as well as ME
It happens, we used to call it squat rash.
[quote]masonator wrote:
FightingScott wrote:
Is anything happening besides your eyes turning red? I think that’s a sign that you made a true max effort attempt.
No thats pretty much it. I just thought this was odd, as it happens during intese rep work as well as ME[/quote]
Then you’re totally fine and you should be proud of yourself.
yeah, no worries here, it happens usually once a week or every other week for me, Typcially on Squats and decline BP or normal BP. Anything that really makes my head feel like it’ll pop. As others have said, its really just a sign that you really did an ME lift. Like stretch marks (in the right places, ie NOT the gut) its a sign you’re doing things right.
Yup happens to me on deadlifts. Tis a normal part of powerlifting I suppose.
Just like stretch marks, burst capillaries in your eyes are battle scars!! Not to mention it makes you look like a psycho if its bursted big enough to see easily, you should be proud of your effort!! keep up the good work!