You maybe had access to a pull-up bar and some other random shit. Possibly because you might be somewhere in the middle east and you might be setting up a camp from scratch, so a gym isn’t high on the to-do list.
What are somethings that you guys would recommend so my squat, bench, dead, etc. don’t totally fucking plummet. As well as Vertical and Box Jumps, etc.
I’m confused. Are you asking for absolute necessities for a camp gym or some random stuff you could use?
I’ve heard stories of guys loading shit in their packs or having a guy on their back to squat. I remember one guy at my old gym who was a mechanic saying he would get an old axle and use it as a bar.
You could also put something/someone on your back and do pushups. Gotta get creative.
[quote]masonator wrote:
I’m confused. Are you asking for absolute necessities for a camp gym or some random stuff you could use?
I’ve heard stories of guys loading shit in their packs or having a guy on their back to squat. I remember one guy at my old gym who was a mechanic saying he would get an old axle and use it as a bar.
You could also put something/someone on your back and do pushups. Gotta get creative.[/quote]
Random shit to do to hold me over until I can lift again. I have no say on what would go in the gym whenever we would get one.
Thanks for the ideas too. My flak with Sapis is like 50 pounds, so I figure dips, pushups, pullups with that. Then find shit to deadlift and whatnot, lol
Bring a sledgehammer with you; not sure where you are going- but there seemed to be plenty of old Soviet-era tires laying around for hammer-strikes/tire flipping. If you can’t throw one in your connex or shipping containers, (not sure of what type unit you are in) but your maintenance plt should let you borrow one. I also secured some damaged MRAP and Stryker tires for this purpose.
Speaking of maintenance platoon- its smart to make friends with those guys. I was in the same situation (austere environment, started from scratch and no gym) and the welders made us some caveman dip bars, pullup bars, and welded re-bar grips on some 7.62 and .50 cal ammo cans filled with sand as ad-hoc kettlebells. We brought all that stuff out to our combat outposts over time.
I bought the book below, and YES the website looks kinda dorkish, but good exercises using sandbags. You are probably all too familiar with sandbag drills, but just food for thought.
[quote]No_Excuses wrote:
masonator wrote:
I’m confused. Are you asking for absolute necessities for a camp gym or some random stuff you could use?
I’ve heard stories of guys loading shit in their packs or having a guy on their back to squat. I remember one guy at my old gym who was a mechanic saying he would get an old axle and use it as a bar.
You could also put something/someone on your back and do pushups. Gotta get creative.
Random shit to do to hold me over until I can lift again. I have no say on what would go in the gym whenever we would get one.
Thanks for the ideas too. My flak with Sapis is like 50 pounds, so I figure dips, pushups, pullups with that. Then find shit to deadlift and whatnot, lol
I leave in a few weeks, so we shall see.
You could do all sorts of crap. Workout with rocks, deadlift with rocks, use them as shot puts or medicine balls. There’s not going to be a way to directly replicate some exercises like squats or deads without a barbell, but you can improvise. Fill a duffle bag with sand and make a heavy bag.
And besides that, I’m not sure what you’re going out there for, but pretty much every army base/outpost in Iraq and Afghanistan has a “gym” of sorts. If they can do it, so can you.
Thanks guys, Im headed to Bastion in Afghan and that does have a gym, but we will be laying Mat there and then off to make some new FOBs, so if I am part of the team going to the new FOB I am SOL for a while. Apparently laying Mat for 12 hours a day is quite the workout, I don’t know yet though.
[quote]No_Excuses wrote:
Thanks guys, Im headed to Bastion in Afghan and that does have a gym, but we will be laying Mat there and then off to make some new FOBs, so if I am part of the team going to the new FOB I am SOL for a while. Apparently laying Mat for 12 hours a day is quite the workout, I don’t know yet though.[/quote]
My buddy was at an outpost near Metar lam (however the fuck you spell it) and they had an improvised gym there. You can do it.
Well I am about a month from coming back home. Didnt get to lift for about the 1st 4 weeks here, but have hit it hard since then. Place I am at doesn’t have much, but it has a power rack and a shitty adjustable bench, and some DBs that go up to 100. So I cant really comlain.
Just ordered some bands from elite and am about to order some farmers walk handles from pitbull, so I cant wait till I get the fuck home.