When I deadlift, I only feel it in my whole back and never in my hams or glutes, even when I go low. My back grows like weed afterwards but hams and glutes don’t. What could be the problem?
What style of deadlifts are you doing?
[quote]Evolv wrote:
What style of deadlifts are you doing? [/quote]
Mostly conventional, sometimes sumo.
Try dropping your ass lower right before you pull, then rip it off the ground. That helps me feel it more in my glutes/hams.
Also be sure that you’re sitting way back on your heels.
try stiff leg deads if u wanna really feel em
throw in some back extensions and get your body to fire the right muscles
Yeah, also when you’re doing your stiff-legged deadlifts, make sure you’re not doing a romanian deadlift and moving your hips. This will help focus on your hams… You’ll have to go lower in weight obviously.
Here’s an example of the RDL:
And also, you can do your SLDLs standing on a stepper or something that gets you off the ground some that gives you a greater range of movement and will give you a better stretch. Just be careful to keep your back straight.