I’ve read many, many of the threads on here, and they are all great. My divorce is finalized, I got my personal stuff straightened out, and the semester is out for summer. So I started my workout today.
I’m 24, about 6’0", and about 220. My body fat is high…probably 30% or something. Outta shape. I know I would like to just start lifting and build the muscle to raise my metabolism, plus get some newb fat loss. I can worry about the fat later on.
I’m staying on campus all summer, so I can use the gym, BUT I found out today there is a gym membership fee I have to pay. I will be two weeks or so before I can come up with it because I have a lot of bigger bills coming up soon.
What I’m doing til then is riding my bike. It’s a 21 speed. There is a park with a bike route nearby, so its safe. I basically get on it and start going through all the gears. Once I hit top speed, I pedel as hard as I can. At that point, it feels more like strength training than anything. Once I am pooped, I let the bike coast for 75-100 feet and start over. I can only do about 3-4 miles right now.
I ran out of protein powder today, so that will be out of the question for a little bit. I did buy some Tribulus last week when I had some extra cash, so I got that still. I’m getting to the title problem soon, I promise.
This morning I woke up, ate an orange and a turkey ham sandwich with Baker’s Inn 9-Grain wheat bread. I eat very clean. I went for my bike ride, then came back and ate. I took ~10 grams of protein powder(what was left), drank plenty of water, ate an egg meal I prepared. It contained:
5 eggs
~1/8 pound turkey pastrami(cracked pepper)
7.25 oz of diced tomatoes
some tabasco sauce for flavor
It’s 3:20pm right now. I just finished eating. I gotta shower and then go to work at 5pm. I will be there until midnight tonight. The problem is that I cannot eat at work. I am a server at a dang steak house AND CANNOT EAT!!!
They will let me eat white rolls for free…thats it. So what do I do? Just suffer through it? Shoud I eat another sammich on the way to work? I know I definitely need to eat some protein before bed.
I’m probably worrying about it too much, but I don’t wanna mess myself up because of not eating enough while doing cardio workouts.
Also, should I be taking one or two tribulus tabs a day? I wanting Biotest, but could not afford it yet. I got the TwinLab brand…sorry. Please let me know! Thanks!