LOL, I wouldn’t have even noticed on my own, and this is a thread all about shoulders. That does look a bit off.
Yeah, that arm looks rather ridiculously huge compared to your shoulder there…
It’s just a triceps pump, LOL! No photoshop.
if thats no photoshop ^ then GJDM, that things fucking absurd, even the forearm is bigger than your head
Just a quick ‘hey, am I fucking up’ type question.
I’m focusing on my bench for the next, well, however long it takes. Because of that, I’ve changed my shoulder routine to be pretty much lateral and rear head only.
Does that make sense, or am I possibly missing something?
I focus on my lateral and rear head only regardless. Maybe throw in military presses weekly.
[quote]JayPierce wrote:
Just a quick ‘hey, am I fucking up’ type question.
I’m focusing on my bench for the next, well, however long it takes. Because of that, I’ve changed my shoulder routine to be pretty much lateral and rear head only.
Does that make sense, or am I possibly missing something?[/quote]
overhead press? depending on your split(i have chest and delts separated by a few days) I do ascending lateral raise sets on chest day, get a wicked pump and I believe will lead too bigger and fuller delts in the long term. Give it a shot an example of this set would be(its in kg’s not lbs)
10x12,12.5x10, 15x10,17.5x8, 20x8, 22.5x7 stop
next set
12.5x12, 15x10, 17.5x10, 20x8, 22.5x6 stop
I set a rep range and if I hit that or higher I go up in weight. I like too call it the jweezy method for shoulders.
Not that you should be doing this in addition to specializing in bench, but getting your overhead pressing numbers up could potentially help a lot with bench
“The overhead press, especially the push press requires a lot more scapular stabilization and thus involve the rhomboids, traps, serratus and some rotator cuff muscles to a greater extent than during the bench press. Specializing on the overhead press will make for a more stable base when bench pressing whereas bench pressing while excluding standing overhead work will tend to decrease the capacity to keep the shoulder joint - scapula stable when pressing (in a bench press your scapulas are basically pinned by the bench which artificially stabilizes them).”
Thanks for the replies, fellas.
I usually have shoulder presses or log presses (my new favorite) as the cornerstone of my shoulder program, but I figured I’d save my anterior delts for benching and get some extra rear/medial at the same time.
Yesterday’s shoulder session:
Lateral raises
5x8-10 working up to 35’s. Fairly strict. I try to isolate medial delts as much as possible
BTN Press
130x5, 120x6, 110x7
Rear delt raises (sitting backwards on an incline bench, pinkies up as discussed earlier in this thread)
3x12 working up to 40’s
I have been hitting rear delts first on shoulder and back day specifically because of disproportion. My shoulder health has been great ever since. I have been doing this for about 2 months now. isolation work on the rear delt is a must
[quote]marshmac wrote:
Akuma great post man. I love to see people do that circular shoulder shrugging thing. i saw someone i know actually doing that shit and i asked him wtf are you doing. he said i’m trying to hit the entire shoulder. after watching this guy do 2 more sets of this shit i reached my boiling point and introduced him to the delt triad which i’m surprised wasn’t mentioned yet. do this at the end of your shoulder routine and i guarantee you won’t be able to wipe your ass for 2 days.
i turned mine into a superset doing 10 of each movement one after another.
Holy shit! What kind of weight do you use for this? I couldnt even finish all 3 supersets doing 15 reps each using the 20s.
[quote]overstand wrote:
[quote]marshmac wrote:
Akuma great post man. I love to see people do that circular shoulder shrugging thing. i saw someone i know actually doing that shit and i asked him wtf are you doing. he said i’m trying to hit the entire shoulder.
after watching this guy do 2 more sets of this shit i reached my boiling point and introduced him to the delt triad which i’m surprised wasn’t mentioned yet. do this at the end of your shoulder routine and i guarantee you won’t be able to wipe your ass for 2 days.
i turned mine into a superset doing 10 of each movement one after another.
Holy shit! What kind of weight do you use for this? I couldnt even finish all 3 supersets doing 15 reps each using the 20s. [/quote]
The triad will humble you. i start out with 15lbs on the first set and i’m down to the purble 8lbs DBs on the 4th. the burn you feel after is amazing.
So is it safe to hit shoulders after arms on arms/shoulder day?
[quote]eyegainweightbig wrote:
So is it safe to hit shoulders after arms on arms/shoulder day?
You start doing a routine, your body will adapt. If you do your arms on your shoulder day, fine. What you’re trying to find is what works for you. Personally i wouldnt do Arms and shoulders on the same day, but thats because i dont like it.
[quote]eyegainweightbig wrote:
So is it safe to hit shoulders after arms on arms/shoulder day?
If that’s what you prefer, do shoulders before arms. Most people have more trouble building big round delts than big arms and small shoulders look weak. Plus big shoulders give you that “I’m as wide as a motherfucker” look. You don’t want to miss out on that.
Kinda Random question, but when is it a good idea to start pressing from pins either for bench or military, or floor presses for that matter? I just recently have been working with 225 lbs for a few reps which is a first for me, but I keep thinking those types of exercises are way ahead of me?
btw heres kai doing that exercise akumai described in case no body saw it:
(its around 4:20)
Yes, the Incline bench Lateral raises start at 4:20, the Front DB kai raises are the ones he starts doing at 2:10. In response to the question, i dunno, something you got to feel out. I wouldnt really say they are advanced movements, because they are all still compound movements. To me, Isolations are a bit more advanced. So in that view, go ahead and give them a try, see how you feel.
So, big fan of doing my raises first.
Behind the neck presses: yay or nay?
I remember X talking about stopping at ear level. Anything else I should watch out for?
Personally id say no on the behind the neck. When you get heavy…Blah, no thanks lol. On a side note, i actually tried a bit of a different method for doing my Military presses today. On my military rack, theres a high rack, which is honestly too far behind a person to lift off without a spotter, and a front rack, that is just a bit below chin level and right in front of you. Normally, i have Hyena there, and we’ve always just done it from the top. Today, i went solo, and tried it from the front rack. I have to say, i really liked it. I couldnt quite get up to 315, but starting from that low height really Dug into my delts. Just something to ponder.
[quote]Akuma01 wrote:
Personally id say no on the behind the neck. When you get heavy…Blah, no thanks lol. [/quote]
You’re really raining on my parade here dawg.
Anyone else wanna chime in about behind the neck presses?