I am interested in experimenting with marijuana as a stress relief tool to help supplement my training and college. I am 22 years old and have never used any illicit drugs before, including alcohol or cigarettes.
The reason I am choosing cannabis is because I do not know of it being negatively associated with performance, health, or body composition, but I am looking to clarify that.
I am concerned with a few things and will not be experimenting with marijuana until I can clarify some questions I have:
How will it effect my cardio, and will it lower my performance in ways such as nicotine does? Obviously, it will kill my performance when Im high, but will there be effects when I am sober, such as the case with nicotine?
I cannot afford to do anything that will negatively contribute to my performance as an MMA fighter.
General health? I know there are conflicting studies, but if I were to use a vaporizer, would that negate all the cancer and general health concerns?
I am at a point in my life where I need something to help deal with everything. The be honest, life is very unenjoyable for me right now with a 17 credit semester on top of training 15 hours a week for a fight 3 months down the road. O yeah, Im also teaching jiu-jitsu part time.
I’m not going to drink my problems away, and I can’t afford to eat them away either if I want to make weight in December! I’m not looking to get high every night, maybe 1-2 times a week at most. This seems like the most logical choice to me as it does not effect body composition, but I am unsure of its effects on health and performance (my biggest conerns).
I’ve done some searches and will continue to do so. I have not seen this specific topic addressed, and if it has been I apologize.