suck it and see, one smoke won’t make you a junkie. but i’d sugest that your depression is prob due to fatigue, try a two week brake from everything and see how that makes you feel, if that is out of the question then try volenteer work (someone else also said this) it might sound a bit superficial, but it does make you feel better to help other people.
Although overtraining, fatigue, and strict weight cutting have undoubtedly contributed to my overall feelings, it goes way beyond that.
I’ve been dealing with severe depression for a very long time, since probably around 4th grade or so. My mother was and still is depressed, as were both of her parents – all of whom became heroin addicts or alcoholics as a result. Her sister eventually killed herself to deal with her depression.
On top of being genetically predisposed to depression, there are other factors in my past and present that also have helped to exacerbate it.
I’m not looking for sympathy. This is just an overview of my situation, so that you can see that Im just just some kid who wants to get high and party while pretending to be an athlete. I am looking into cannabis for its legitimate medical uses. I am dead serious about what I do and I plan on fighting as a very successful professional.
I don’t believe in antidepressant medication. Not that I deny its effectiveness, but Id much prefer a natural alternative that isn’t going to increase my prolactin and cortisol production on top of whatever dependencies may be developing due to its chronic usage.
This seems like a logical choice to me, and aside from some outstanding government propaganda, I can not see a reason to avoid marijuana.
My concerns are health and performance. Does anyone have any definitive proof that marijuana use can be detrimental to either of these?
I should also say that I plan to either take it in the form of a tea, by cooking it, or through a vaporizer. Considering every argument for it’s carcinogenic effects is due to it being smoked, these should eliminate that threat.
Go to a doctor and get a real drug. SSRIs do effect permorance, and weed does too. Weed significantly effect endocrine levels. Lower test, GH, thyroid, and higher estrogen activity. If you do use it, don’t use it during the time period around a fight.
If you are depressed, I would suggest bupropion. It is more effective, and healthier than SSRIs for depression.
If it is stress/anxiety, I would suggest long acting benzodiazepines, and a lot of attention to your breathing. If the anxiety doesn’t go away after a month of that, then you’ll have to try something like Cymbalta or Effexor.
[quote]Thomas Gabriel wrote:
Go to a doctor and get a real drug. SSRIs do effect permorance, and weed does too. Weed significantly effect endocrine levels. Lower test, GH, thyroid, and higher estrogen activity. If you do use it, don’t use it during the time period around a fight.
If you are depressed, I would suggest bupropion. It is more effective, and healthier than SSRIs for depression.
If it is stress/anxiety, I would suggest long acting benzodiazepines, and a lot of attention to your breathing. If the anxiety doesn’t go away after a month of that, then you’ll have to try something like Cymbalta or Effexor.
Most of the anti-depressant drugs out there have more T-lowering effects than any other type of medication. They would be detrimental to my performance, on top of whatever unknown long-term side effects they possess.
Im not looking to take any medications. And as for what you stated about weed lowering test, among other things: is there any proof behind that? We have all heard the stories and myths, but I am asking for is an unbiased study that proves so. I have not found one yet. I could just as much say that saturated fat causes cancer and heart attacks and back it up with a thousand biased studies, but we all know this isn’t true.
I dont mean to sound like Im calling you out, because I mean no offense. Im just curious as to where you heard or read what you stated. I appreciate your input and I do not want to sound demeaning =)
The reason we are on these forums is to dispell all the myths and bullshit about nutrition and supplements. As far as Im concerned, this is just another supplement on the rack. Im interested to see some unbiased studies proving or disproving its effectiveness.
To be honest I cannot see 1-2 times a week, especially used in the ways you’re mentioning effecting your performance or health negatively. With your busy schedule and stressful day to day life i’m sure you can find some benefit from it. When you do it, put a funny movie on, do something you find enjoyable or relaxing, and have fun in the moment.
If something with such little negative aspects can do this for you and help you unwind a day or so during a rough week, I’d definitely say the benefits outweigh the negative aspects. As far as ‘crutches’ go, you could do a lot worse. As long as you don’t go overboard with it you should be fine. Let us know how you’re making out and if you decide to give it a shot how it goes.
to relax, its awesome
it does not affect reflex at all, it does affect memory, but a day or two off it will remove that side effect and the memory loss isnt as bad as it sound, but its there (green tea is awesome to get rid of that faster)
the best way to see if its for you is to try it, a couple of times will not do you any harm in the long run
drink a lot of water too but you probably do that already
I have had periods where I’ve smoked a few zoots every nite, for a while with no break lol… This is obv quite OTT, but as you asked, smoking like this I felt really affected my cardio in a big way - my weights and stuff were all good, and still improving, but my cardio sucked…
Sometimes it’s good as it ‘helps’ you to eat more without being full, but you have to be careful it’s not junk. As mentioned above ^ green tea is amazing, and drinking a lot of water helps to dispel ‘dry mouth’, which affects me a lot.
[quote]dianab wrote:
HotCarl28 wrote:
dianab wrote:
It killed my cardiovascular and endurance abilities too. And it makes it hard to go to sleep.
whaaa?? Haha I have mild insomnia and weed knocks me out like nothing else. I’ve never heard of anyone having a hard time going to sleep on it. Drugs that affect cannabinoid receptors are sweet like that though.
I smoke about once a year and the only thing it’s good for is sex.
For me sex is terrible on weed. My performance sux and my orgasm doesn’t feel good at all. It just feels like I’m peeing in spurts
It’s funny how that stuff affects people differently. I have a friend who gets a sore back when he smokes and otherwise he never has had any back pain.
I can sleep anywhere, anytime and have never had insomnia, but when I smoke, it’s like I’m super charged. Can’t sleep, can’t focus.
I like you suggestion about meditation, never tried it in an organized or prescribed fashion, but I bet that stuff really works![/quote]
Different strains of cannabis have different effects. A sativa will give you a head high. Indica will give you munchies and great sleep.
You also have to realize how many of these things are actually caused by smoking. If you smoke and forgot something on a quiz a week later, what do you blame? Not yourself, you blame the pot…
[quote]SonnabenD wrote:
Most of the anti-depressant drugs out there have more T-lowering effects than any other type of medication. They would be detrimental to my performance, on top of whatever unknown long-term side effects they possess.
Anxiety and depression lower T by a lot too though. I used to have a really bad anxiety problem. I went on some medication, found the right drug, and after about 3 months I was actually cured. Now I’m on nothing, and have no anxiety. So even if my T levels were lowered, it was definitely worth it. And remember there are other medications besides SSRIs. If your are looking for something once or twice a week for stress, ativan is a pretty good choice.
Check out this fully referenced pdf on the endocrine effects of marijuana. It definitely has bad effects while on, and relatively unknown effects for long term use. That’s not to say it’s horrible stuff. I smoked weed this weekend. But for something to actually medicate yourself with and use on a long term basis, I think you should look into other options.
[quote]Thomas Gabriel wrote:
Go to a doctor and get a real drug. SSRIs do effect permorance, and weed does too. Weed significantly effect endocrine levels. Lower test, GH, thyroid, and higher estrogen activity. If you do use it, don’t use it during the time period around a fight.
If you are depressed, I would suggest bupropion. It is more effective, and healthier than SSRIs for depression.
If it is stress/anxiety, I would suggest long acting benzodiazepines, and a lot of attention to your breathing. If the anxiety doesn’t go away after a month of that, then you’ll have to try something like Cymbalta or Effexor.
Your crazy. Please post studies that show weed effects endocrine levels? You know all those studies that say weed lowers test? They don’t exist…
EDIT: I am currently reading your pdf. I will say my response soon.
Then you tell him to take benzo’s, which withdrawals are WORSE than Heroin. And long acting benzo’s? Those will make the withdrawals even worse and he will have 0 energy throughout the day.
While SSRI’s are an option, be sure you know all the side effects of taking them.
Human studies investigating the effects of
cannabinoids on reproductive hormones have been
conflicting. Lower testosterone levels have been reported
in chronic marijuana users compared to nonusers,
12 and acute decreases in both LH and testosterone
have been observed after marijuana smoking,13 but
multiple subsequent studies have not confirmed these
findings.14-17 In one study, heavy chronic users were
found to have similar testosterone levels compared to
casual users at baseline and did not experience any significant
alterations in testosterone after a 21-day period
of intense marijuana smoking in a controlled research
setting.14 A subsequent study of similar design by the
same investigators showed no significant changes in
integrated LH levels over the study period.16 These inconsistent
observations may be due to differences in
study design but also may reflect the development of
tolerance, as suggested by the animal studies.
Joe Rogan and Diego Sanchez both smoke and from what I understand both are quite good at MMA.
Look people are going to justify their stance no matter what. You really want to see if it is for you? Trying it out(get a medical card to be legal) will be the only way to know how it will effect you. If the side effects or such is too much for you, then stop. If it helps you, continue.
Like everything else in the world. It effects everyone differently. Personally it motivates me. I train on it and find I can one track my mind on the task at hand. Stationary cardio with the ipod and a toke and it’s ninety minute gone by. I can focus and push myself to my limits. Note, I’ve been smoking for better than thirty years.
Others that I know are sleepers, veggers or eaters and paranoid etc. I would say if you’re not using it now why start. I don’t smoke it to aid my workouts so much as I smoke it so I can deal with all the assholes and losers in the world.
I don’t know what effect it will have on your cardio. Possibly if you smoked it, it could have a deleterious effect, but I am not even sure about that.
A book that most of us highly prize, Bill Starr’s “The Strongest Shall Survive” has, if memory serves, an entry on marijuana use. Now I don’t have the book in front of me, but it mentioned that the author had knowledge of a number of players who used it BEFORE competiton, as a means of controlling stress. However, the book was written back in the early 70s, and take it from me, pot was then a whole lot less powerful than it is nowadays. So, yes, as you mention, probably better not to use it before competition.
Perhaps there are others more in the know than I am on the subject who can tell you other pathways whereby marijuana acts to reduce stress, but I do know that it increases melatonin. So, if you want to try something LEGAL first, you might try taking melatonin. Also, have you tried theanine?
Anyway, let us know how your experimentation goes.
[quote]SonnabenD wrote:
Although overtraining, fatigue, and strict weight cutting have undoubtedly contributed to my overall feelings, it goes way beyond that.
I’ve been dealing with severe depression for a very long time, since probably around 4th grade or so. My mother was and still is depressed, as were both of her parents – all of whom became heroin addicts or alcoholics as a result. Her sister eventually killed herself to deal with her depression.
On top of being genetically predisposed to depression, there are other factors in my past and present that also have helped to exacerbate it.
I’m not looking for sympathy. This is just an overview of my situation, so that you can see that Im just just some kid who wants to get high and party while pretending to be an athlete. I am looking into cannabis for its legitimate medical uses. I am dead serious about what I do and I plan on fighting as a very successful professional.
I don’t believe in antidepressant medication. Not that I deny its effectiveness, but Id much prefer a natural alternative that isn’t going to increase my prolactin and cortisol production on top of whatever dependencies may be developing due to its chronic usage.
This seems like a logical choice to me, and aside from some outstanding government propaganda, I can not see a reason to avoid marijuana.
My concerns are health and performance. Does anyone have any definitive proof that marijuana use can be detrimental to either of these?
I should also say that I plan to either take it in the form of a tea, by cooking it, or through a vaporizer. Considering every argument for it’s carcinogenic effects is due to it being smoked, these should eliminate that threat. [/quote]
if your family are alcoholics and heroin addicts why bother putting yourself in a situation where u become dependent on drugs, whether it be cannabis, alcohol…, you need to see a doctor bro if your depressed
Joe Rogan and Diego Sanchez both smoke and from what I understand both are quite good at MMA.
Look people are going to justify their stance no matter what. You really want to see if it is for you? Trying it out(get a medical card to be legal) will be the only way to know how it will effect you. If the side effects or such is too much for you, then stop. If it helps you, continue.[/quote]
joe smokes but diego doesnt, but ya joe and eddie bravo swear by it, look up “joe rogan DMT” on youtube for his view on drugs
I’m not a doctor, but I’d urge you to see a good psychiatrist who you actually like. You don’t have to get on meds if you don’t want to, but you should have all your options open. A note on Marijuana: although it affects everyone differently, for some people it can really wear down their motivation, leaving them worse off in terms of depression.
Good luck, it’s a serious problem. Take time to talk to a doctor about all the options (plus it’s confidential so you can talk about thc).
[quote]bluefloyd wrote:
, look up “joe rogan DMT” on youtube for his view on drugs
That broadcast was hilarious…and, spot on!
[quote]bluefloyd wrote:
Joe Rogan and Diego Sanchez both smoke and from what I understand both are quite good at MMA.
Look people are going to justify their stance no matter what. You really want to see if it is for you? Trying it out(get a medical card to be legal) will be the only way to know how it will effect you. If the side effects or such is too much for you, then stop. If it helps you, continue.
joe smokes but diego doesnt, but ya joe and eddie bravo swear by it, look up “joe rogan DMT” on youtube for his view on drugs
Why did Diego test postive then?
[quote]bluefloyd wrote:
SonnabenD wrote:
Although overtraining, fatigue, and strict weight cutting have undoubtedly contributed to my overall feelings, it goes way beyond that.
I’ve been dealing with severe depression for a very long time, since probably around 4th grade or so. My mother was and still is depressed, as were both of her parents – all of whom became heroin addicts or alcoholics as a result. Her sister eventually killed herself to deal with her depression.
On top of being genetically predisposed to depression, there are other factors in my past and present that also have helped to exacerbate it.
I’m not looking for sympathy. This is just an overview of my situation, so that you can see that Im just just some kid who wants to get high and party while pretending to be an athlete. I am looking into cannabis for its legitimate medical uses. I am dead serious about what I do and I plan on fighting as a very successful professional.
I don’t believe in antidepressant medication. Not that I deny its effectiveness, but Id much prefer a natural alternative that isn’t going to increase my prolactin and cortisol production on top of whatever dependencies may be developing due to its chronic usage.
This seems like a logical choice to me, and aside from some outstanding government propaganda, I can not see a reason to avoid marijuana.
My concerns are health and performance. Does anyone have any definitive proof that marijuana use can be detrimental to either of these?
I should also say that I plan to either take it in the form of a tea, by cooking it, or through a vaporizer. Considering every argument for it’s carcinogenic effects is due to it being smoked, these should eliminate that threat.
if your family are alcoholics and heroin addicts why bother putting yourself in a situation where u become dependent on drugs, whether it be cannabis, alcohol…, you need to see a doctor bro if your depressed
The thing is, depression is a very big black hole in the medical world. What works for some will wreck havoc on others. Some people have reported self-medication with success from salvia, shrooms, e. For some people SSRI’s are god sends, for others they are a nightmare.
Nick Diaz is an absolute cardio freak and has probably been smoking for a decade. While I don’t know if Nate has never tested positive, he is from Stockton. Ronaldo Souza is a confirmed pothead, as is Kendall Grove.