I am prescribed Adderall. Can taking Adderall for 10+ years make you somewhat resistant to other stimulants? Such as Clen?
I have been using Clen for the past two weeks. I have read on a few forums stating that if you are not feeling any side effects from using Clen then your stuff must be fake. I started off with 40 mcg on day 1 and doubled my dosage for the first 4 days, 40-80-120-160. So far I have not experienced any side effects and I am now at the end of my two weeks with my highest daily does being 200 mcg. My buddy works out so I offered him one for his work out (40 mcg). The next day he told me that he could feel his heart pounding more. He also mentioned that it took him forever to fall asleep and then when he did fall asleep he twitched a lot (he found that out from his wife). So this leads me to believe that my Clen isn’t fake. However I haven’t experienced any of these side effects.
I have also cut way back on taking my Adderall, went from 3 a day to 1 a day.
I understand the dangers/consequences of mixing both and I also understand there are safer alternatives however this is the route I took. I am just curious if anyone has had a similar experience. I am starting to believe that because I have been on Adderall for so long that other stimulants don’t really have any effect on me.
It would be pretty hard to just quit Adderall cold turkey. I am sure cutting back on Adderall is contributing to my energy levels being down. I am honestly hoping I can get off Adderall so hopefully running a few cycles of clen will help. I get a tiny amount of energy from clen, but it doesn’t last all day that’s for sure.
I’m not 100% educated on each drug, but don’t they work on completely different systems? ADHD meds are more dopamine/nor-adrenaline and Clen is something that works on beta receptors and the heart, or something like that. I can’t see any overlap in mechanism.
Just my opinion, but as someone also in Adderall, I wouldn’t use clen. To much strain on the heart for my liking. I’d use it if I was getting on stage, but I’m not about to do that. I also think it’s more of the icing on the cake for weight loss. It gets you just that last little bit. I’m not interested in that level of leanness. It probably buys you 100 calories a day. I’ll just walk on the treadmill for 10 minutes.
I’ve had good results with semaglutide though. I’ve done 0.64 mg/wk, but only for a few weeks. I’m back down to 0.5 mg/wk and can’t tell a difference between that and the higher dose.