For those of you who have actually ran clen successfully, what kind of a calorie deficit we’re you on?
A smaller deficit or just under maintenance and let the clen do the work?
A much larger deficit and use the clen to keep the metabolism running and for anti catabolic effects?
I’m looking at running four weeks without breaks to lean out a little before my next blast. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m assuming that’s ok because the effects don’t subside until after 4-6 weeks
I only took clenbuterol the final weeks before a contest. I don’t recall the dosage or the time duration, but I did know that it down regulated pretty quick, like 3 weeks. All this was a long time ago.
I think you should do a 500 calorie deficit and when you stall then add then to get pass the plateau that everyone hits. I wouldn’t touch clen until then. I have a feeling based on your post that you are not at the point to add clen. Just my 2 cents.
You want to get lean fast? 8 x Body weight for calories, set protein at 1g per lb of BW, carbs 100g, rest of the calories from fat. Add a cheat meal once a week with no limits, this is a short term strategy for most, got me in shape for my contest.
I would advise against it since you are over stimulating the receptors for half the day with one dose and more than that if you split it up. Essentially negating the recovery period from Clen.
But hey, if it works for you. Just keep in mind that cardio toxicity is heightened then.
Yes, right. No problem. Specifically the beta2-adrenergic receptors to which clen binds down-regulate extremely fast. The two week break let’s them regulate back up so smaller doses of clen have the desired effect again.
If you have salbutamol at home anyways, you could consider taking 2 mg of that in the morning and 2 mg in the afternoon. Then your body can recover from the stimulation every night. You reduce cardio toxicity, reduce the feeling you have after weeks of clen and your body is free of adrenergic stimulation at night which should produce better sleep, rest and recovery. The calorie burning effect is then only working by day, but that’s when you are active anyways. I see only benefits over Clen.