Can I Continue to Gain Strength on Cut?

Current Stats:
150 lbs
12-14% bf

Goal: Eventually MMA, but for now I want to get stronger while losing bf then put on some muscle.

The following is a general outline of a strength training routine I’ve been doing since some time last year. The numbers in parenthesis are current 1 rep maxes unless otherwise specified. Sometimes I would switch BB with DB and vice-versa and sometimes I would add an arm day on Friday since I felt my arms were hindering progress.

For the first exercise of each day, I would do 4-5 warmup sets for 6-8 reps with 1 min rest, then 3-4 moderately heavy sets for 3-5 reps with 2-3 min rest, then a final heavy set for 1-2 reps to failure. The following exercises were the same sans the warmup. After each workout I ran for 30 min moderate intensity.

Mon - Back
-Deadlift (405)
-Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown (320)
-DB Row (95x3)

Tues - Chest
-DB Press (85x 2-3)
-Dip Machine (340)
-Overhead Press (125)

Wed - Legs
-Squat (315)
-Single-Legged Leg Press (340x2-3)
-DB Lunges (90x5)

Thurs - Abs
-Various stuff

I started cutting in January (about 300-500 calorie/day deficit) but I was still progressing at, or close to, the same rate with the same routine so that was great. Since June however, I’ve stalled in every exercise and some weeks my lifts go down 5-10 lbs. I tried switching to a 3 day a week whole body routine for a few weeks but I only performed worse and felt like shit (I’ve never done well with whole body routines). I’m going to continue cutting until September, then I’m going to start a Max-OT routine to put on some more muscle.

Now my question is for the next 7 weeks, is there a routine I can do to induce a short term linear progression of strength? I’ve been reading online and some people suggest Wendler’s 5/3/1, but the strength gains seem too slow to me. So is there a better option? Or should I settle for 5/3/1? Or is it all a pipedream at this point and I should just focus on maintaining strength?

You’ve been cutting since January? Dude, if you’ve been cutting from New Years till June, you should be sub 10% bf (full abs/ clear muscle separation) unless you were really really fat when you first started. Something doesn’t seem right.

You’re prolly not progressing because you’ve been in a calorie deficit for a 6 months.

Honestly, I would up the calories for a couple months and work on gaining some muscle.

5/3/1 is great for strength. Plus it allows enough flexibility for your MMA goals. You can do 5/3/1 plus accessory work (buy the book) 3-4 days a week and then do MMA 2-3x a week. Take a day off depending on how you feel.

But really focus on slowly adding calories back into your diet and get on a PROVEN strength program (since thats your goal) 6 months on a calorie deficit is a LONG time.

[quote]DirtySantorum wrote:
Current Stats:
150 lbs
12-14% bf

Goal: Eventually MMA, but for now I want to get stronger while losing bf then put on some muscle.

The following is a general outline of a strength training routine I’ve been doing since some time last year. The numbers in parenthesis are current 1 rep maxes unless otherwise specified. Sometimes I would switch BB with DB and vice-versa and sometimes I would add an arm day on Friday since I felt my arms were hindering progress.

For the first exercise of each day, I would do 4-5 warmup sets for 6-8 reps with 1 min rest, then 3-4 moderately heavy sets for 3-5 reps with 2-3 min rest, then a final heavy set for 1-2 reps to failure. The following exercises were the same sans the warmup. After each workout I ran for 30 min moderate intensity.

Mon - Back
-Deadlift (405)
-Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown (320)
-DB Row (95x3)

Tues - Chest
-DB Press (85x 2-3)
-Dip Machine (340)
-Overhead Press (125)

Wed - Legs
-Squat (315)
-Single-Legged Leg Press (340x2-3)
-DB Lunges (90x5)

Thurs - Abs
-Various stuff

I started cutting in January (about 300-500 calorie/day deficit) but I was still progressing at, or close to, the same rate with the same routine so that was great. Since June however, I’ve stalled in every exercise and some weeks my lifts go down 5-10 lbs. I tried switching to a 3 day a week whole body routine for a few weeks but I only performed worse and felt like shit (I’ve never done well with whole body routines). I’m going to continue cutting until September, then I’m going to start a Max-OT routine to put on some more muscle.

Now my question is for the next 7 weeks, is there a routine I can do to induce a short term linear progression of strength? I’ve been reading online and some people suggest Wendler’s 5/3/1, but the strength gains seem too slow to me. So is there a better option? Or should I settle for 5/3/1? Or is it all a pipedream at this point and I should just focus on maintaining strength?[/quote]

If you really want to be an MMA fighter, you need to take a step back from all of this.

First, you need to start practicing MMA. Now. This is prority number 1. If you want to be an MMA fighter, you’ve got to practice MMA. Weather or not you think you’re strong enough is beside the point. Strength isn’t the goal.

Stop cutting. You need to eat enought to fuel your training. You need to be worried about performance (in MMA practice) and not about your body fat percentage or your weight, since you’re not going to be fighting any time soon. When the time comes for a fight, you and your coach can figure out weight.

Get on a program with built in progression. You mentioned 5/3/1, and that’s a great option. As an athlete, you cannot rely on intesity in the gym to guarantee progress. Your focus is on your sport, so you need the progression built in so you won’t have to worry about it.

My final advice: get in an mma gym ASAP. Lift 2-3 days a week with limited (2 or 3) assistance exercises. Stop worrying about weight and body fat, eat to fuel your training.