Hey guys, after a couple of months of looking for some programs to target my weak areas, I decided to use Thibs guide to creating your own program in one of the beginner stickies. My goals are pretty simple/cliche, I want to add size while staying as lean as possible. I am currently 167 lbs and 5’8 tall. I train MMA but have been on a break in order to gain as much size as I can, without getting to bulky and slow to fight, of course.
My weak areas would be the traps, shoulders, and chest and back. I am pretty happy with the progress i’ve seen in my legs/arms.
I would like a wider back, and bigger upper chest, bigger traps and shoulders.
4 day split
-bench press= 4x6-8 plus a drop set on the last set
-incline DB press= 4x 9-12
-incline flys= 3x 12-14
superset=3 sets of dips/push ups until failure
superset-skull crushers- 3x12-16 AND close grip press 3x12-16
-overhead DB tri extensions- quadruple drop set until failure
-pull ups= 4x10
-dead lifts= 10,6, and 4 rep sets
-bent over T bar row= 3x 8-12 plus a drop set on last set
-one arm DB rows= 3x8-12
-barbell curls- 2 strict sets of 12-14 plus 2 cheat sets of 4-6
-incline DB curls- 4x8-12
superset preacher curls and hammer curls- 2 sets until failure
-back squat=4x6-8 plus drop set on last
-leg press= 4 x 10-12
DB alt forward lunges= 3 to 4 sets x 12-14
-leg curls= 4 x 8-12
superset leg extensions with jumping lunges 3x12-15
-straight leg deadlift 4x8-12
-BB clean and press= 4x 3-5
-DB military press 4x 8-10 plus drop set on final set
-side lateral raises- 3x 10-12 plus triple drop set on last set
superset front raises and upright rows for 3x 10-14
-barbell shrup- 4 to 5 sets of 8-12
I plan on alternating abs and calfs at the end of each workout. I figured I can do Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Firday type of split. 20-30 minutes of cardio on off days ( usually hitting the heavy bag, some MMA agility drills to maintain my speed, and maybe sprints depending on the day.)
Feel free to call me an idiot, change up the reps/sets, or even the whole program. This is just what i’ve concluded after weeks of looking at other programs, reading articles here on T nation, trying different exercises, and looking at my self in the mirror.