Wow, that seems a lil low to me. Is that to maintain. I wouldnt think you could even move and breath let alone do the activity you stated.
I would think 1600 k/cal minimum just to maintian a healthy diet while doing all that you are and that is not gaining. This meaning good food choices etc… You said you are solid there.
1 Thing that jumps out at me is the LOW fat intake. I would say up that to about .5g per lb or 50 g of healthy fats. The will help all around healthy skin hair, hormones and general health. Plus will lend to gaining better body comp. That will give you an extra 180 k/cals.
Then Protein I would jack that up to at least 1 g per lb or 100 ( at least ) this will give you at least another 60.
Then make the rest up with carbs, oats, veggies, fruits, Surge post w/o. We have upped it roughly 250 k/cal with protein and fats so far so now we need another 350 more from carbs or a little less than 90 more grams of carbs.
So add this on to what you had
we get a new level of
K/cals ~ 1650
Fats = 50g at least maybe even .6 per lb or 60g
Protein = 100g at least
Carbs = 200
I would suggest you go for this maybe jump half way to 1300 one week then the rest after another week to allow your metabolism to adjust.
I have to ask how has your energy, sleep, attitude, etc. been. That diet just seems extremely low.
Anyhow no expert here just my take from helping others and what not.
Another great option would be to PM T-Mag Mod. She I am sure is a little more experienced with She’s than me seeing as she is one. LOL She also has the physique to prove her knowledge.If your lucky she may justy chime in on her own.
Hope that helps and keep us informed on how you progress and how the Comp. goes,