Calories, Carbs and Fats...HELP!

I’m just starting out with lifting and eating right in general. I’m not that out of shape, I just got out of the army but I have never exercised much on my own. So I started a TBT Waterbury program and its going great.

Now I need to get my diet squared away, but I’m really confused on what the best route is. I read the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Nutritional Programs. But I’m still a little confused on what I need to do. I really don’t know anything about nutrition in general so where can I learn the very basics of nutrition, and what everything means? I would like to build muscle and strength while maintaining a lean body.

I need to lose a little fat but not too much. Is it possible not to cut and bulk, and still gain muscle? I have High BP and I’m not too sure that bulking would be a good thing for me. Is their a program or just a ratio of calories/carbs/fats that I can follow? Whatever I do, I want it to be healthy. I don’t want to sacrifice my health for gains, however large they might be.

So I would like a plan that is healthy but also will pack on some lean muscle.
I’m 26 yrs. old, 5’10", 212 lbs. Thanks for your help and I know I may not be asking the right questions, but they are the best that I can ask at my level of knowledge right now(which is very limited). So thanks again.

In the “are you a beginner” thread there is a bunch of threads dedicated to diet and nutrition and there are too that help you caluclate your needs as well as going over meal combinations and sources of complete proteins etc. I’ll go look up the links and edit this.

Can’t see my first post yet so I’ll just double post (oh no!). The articles are called Massive Eating I and II and they are right near the top. If you are concerned with losing a bit of weight but not too much you could probably chop off some calories on non training days. I wouldn’t touch the caloric intake of lifting days though.

Thanks for the info.