I’m just starting out with lifting and eating right in general. I’m not that out of shape, I just got out of the army but I have never exercised much on my own. So I started a TBT Waterbury program and its going great.
Now I need to get my diet squared away, but I’m really confused on what the best route is. I read the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Nutritional Programs. But I’m still a little confused on what I need to do. I really don’t know anything about nutrition in general so where can I learn the very basics of nutrition, and what everything means? I would like to build muscle and strength while maintaining a lean body.
I need to lose a little fat but not too much. Is it possible not to cut and bulk, and still gain muscle? I have High BP and I’m not too sure that bulking would be a good thing for me. Is their a program or just a ratio of calories/carbs/fats that I can follow? Whatever I do, I want it to be healthy. I don’t want to sacrifice my health for gains, however large they might be.
So I would like a plan that is healthy but also will pack on some lean muscle.
I’m 26 yrs. old, 5’10", 212 lbs. Thanks for your help and I know I may not be asking the right questions, but they are the best that I can ask at my level of knowledge right now(which is very limited). So thanks again.