Calf/Hamstring Pain

Something I noticed is that on one of my legs when my knee and hips are both in flexion, I feel a very “raw” pain (idk how else to describe it) on the outer part of both my hamstring and calf. My calf feels tight and my hamstring has the same raw pain when I stand up or walk up stairs.

To correct this I have been using the stick and stretching 2x per day but it still feels the way it does. I haven’t been able to find a source of information regarding this. Also this pain came randomly (it was not associated with sudden pain) and I have had knee issues on the same leg.

Can anyone identify what my problem is and how to fix it?

It could be your body’s protection mechanism to your damaged knee. If your old knee issues are resurfacing a little or the ligaments are loose, this can happen.

I was diagnosed with damaged ligaments in my knee and when it was at its worst, the whole back of my leg (hamstrings+calves) tightened up. I thought I had hamstring tendonitis.

I don’t think it’s related to my knee pain because my knee has actually never felt better. I’m starting to get worried because it is starting to intensify and beginning to appear more often. Thanks for the advice though.

Maybe hamstring tendonitis then? That often causes tightness across a lot of the hamstring.

Are your pes anserene tendons tender to the touch?

Ischial tuberiosity tenderness?

how would you rate your quad development on that leg? its possible that even with the stretching and MFR that your hamstrings are stronger than your quads on the leg, thus creating the pain you’re feeling…

I would say my development is balanced. I used to be overly quad dominant but I switched over to being a track and field sprinter year round so my hamstring development caught up. Could it be from lack of glute activation? Whenever I’m doing a “butt lock” workout I only feel it in my hamstrings and I read several times that problems from the hamstring or calf may be caused from issues higher on the kinetic chain. I feel that my glute activation is at best adequate but I don’t know… Damn this stuff is confusing lmao

sounds a bit like it band syndrom, check that out - allot of foam rolling and all that kinda stuff can take a while to shift it