Buying a Belt

So… I was wondering if you guys could give me some advice on buying a belt. I’ve always lifted beltless, and now I want to get one to use for squatting and pulling.

I’ve known “academically” how to use a belt for a long time, but just didn’t think I needed one. My last free squat workout I threw one on after some ribbing from my chiropractor and I topped my previous PR’s.

Now, my squat is admittedly weak, but I’ve pulled double bodyweight at 250, so I don’t think I’m short changing my core strength at this point by getting a belt for ME pulls and squats.

So what kind do you think I should get? I am leaning towards going whole-hog and getting the power belt from Elite but I also like the 13mm cam lock from Inzer. Then again, I’ve never used a camlock before. Do I really need to be careful about width if I want to do some unequipped competitive powerlifting?

Also, how does the sizing work? Same as pants sizes? Keep in mind I’m a big fat guy, if that makes any difference in choosing.



To be honest, I would say keep lifting without one. If you’re going to buy one, go to a store and get a cheapy to make sure that you want one, and will use it. I have a belt that I’ve used twice in the past 6 months. That is only because I was maxing. Since I quit using a belt, my back feels a lot better, and I my technique has also gotten better.

go to EliteFts and buy the power belt. I would go either single prong or double. I’ve tried levers and I just don’t think I can get them really tight. I know you are supposed to be able to, but that is my opinion.

[quote]conorh wrote:
So… I was wondering if you guys could give me some advice on buying a belt. I’ve always lifted beltless, and now I want to get one to use for squatting and pulling.

I’ve known “academically” how to use a belt for a long time, but just didn’t think I needed one. My last free squat workout I threw one on after some ribbing from my chiropractor and I topped my previous PR’s.

Now, my squat is admittedly weak, but I’ve pulled double bodyweight at 250, so I don’t think I’m short changing my core strength at this point by getting a belt for ME pulls and squats.

So what kind do you think I should get? I am leaning towards going whole-hog and getting the power belt from Elite but I also like the 13mm cam lock from Inzer. Then again, I’ve never used a camlock before. Do I really need to be careful about width if I want to do some unequipped competitive powerlifting?

Also, how does the sizing work? Same as pants sizes? Keep in mind I’m a big fat guy, if that makes any difference in choosing.



I don’t think you need one then again i’m no chiropractor at 180 i work out with 405 which isn’t much and I never use one.

I bought mine from Inzer. Only cost $40. Excellent quality. I only use the belt when I lift above 90% of my max. It gives me a huge confidence boost since I’ve had back issues in the past.

I bought the retro from elitefts and I really like it. Very well designed and sturdy. has a quide to the belts that includes a sizing chart, so take a look at that.

It all depends on what your goals are. I am 180 and pull 512. Could I do it without a belt, I doubt it. Do I shortchange my back because I use a belt. No. Belts help stop you from OVERTRAINING your lower back. A belt will let you use the strength of your abs to take some of the load off of your lower back. If you have a west-side like traning principle where you are squatting and deadlifting twice a week I would suggest a belt. If you dont go heavy then you dont really need to use a belt. There is a time for a belt and a time not to use one. It is your personel choice. If you plan on lifting in unequip powerlifting you had better get used to using a belt on heavy sets and knee wraps on maxes! Just my opinion.

I also have and inzer 13mm and have liked it so far. I single prong is easier to use. I have had alot of people say they have had rib problems from the latch type belts from the excess belt. Good luck
"big ain’t strong, strong is strong.

If you want a belt that will last longer than you then get a 13mm Inzer lever belt. I have an economy inzer belt too and the difference is night and day.

I’m not exgeratting when I say I get 25ish kg outta my belt while squatting.

I would go with the inzer lever belt.

I’ve used one in a meet before and liked it. My gf also owns one and she likes it too. They seem to be built well.

If you end up buying one, I’d recommend not using it for anything under 90%, IMO.

I just ordered elitefts prime cut belt, the one that is 10-12mm thick, etc etc. Double-prong. Can’t wait! lol

I have a single prong 13mm belt that I purchased in 1989 that’s been through a lot of workouts/competitions and is still working great. I purchased a lever belt from Inzer in 2000 and normally use it only in competitions since it’s quicker and easier to put on.

It definitely pulls in tighter than a conventional buckle belt unless you have someone putting their foot on your ribs in order to get to the next notch.

I have a EFS Retro belt and have been really happy with. I only use it on 90% and above but it really feels like I get a good 30 lbs out of it. I’d recomend anything from elite, everything I’ve gotten from them has been excellent.

My problem is I cant get my prong belt on and off, by the time I finished pulling on my last set sometimes I dont have the energy to get it off it is that tight, but if I go a notch looser it doesnt feel like it is doing anything.

I have a belt from elite aswell, and i love it, comparing one to a cheap sporting goods store isnt even question, these belts are in another league, i went with pants size first and it was to small so EFS sent me a larger one and i love it i use it on my ME bench and lower days. cant say enough about EFS products. I have yet to be displeased with anythign that i have gotten from them.

I have the 13mm Inzer lever belt. I agree that you should go w/o as much as possible, but for those few sets where you would use a belt, that one is awesome.

Other than using it to cinch my briefs or shirt in place, I don’t think a belt does much in terms of physics. I think it’s mostly psychological. Then again, big lifts have a huge psychologial component. I recommend buying a great belt that you like- Inzer, Titan, Cardillo, and EFS all make great belts.