Bulletproof Shoulders for Fight!

Hey guys,

If you want to see a few of the assessments I put my fighters through to check their shoulder health, pick up the October issue of Fight! magazine.

Fight! is currently the top MMA magazine in the world.

[quote]Chad Waterbury wrote:
Hey guys,

If you want to see a few of the assessments I put my fighters through to check their shoulder health, pick up the October issue of Fight! magazine.

Fight! is currently the top MMA magazine in the world.


VERY cool… will definitely check it out!

This is just the kind of article I’m looking for as I’m having shoulder problems that have stopped me fighting for over a month. Will it be available online at some point? as Fight! magazine isn’t available in Thailand.

How funny you should say this- I just finished physical therapy for my left shoulder today.

I will definitely pick that magazine up. Thanks Chad.

If we all promise to get subscriptions (I just did) can you post the article?

I think shoulder health and strength is as important as anything else in wrestling, or any combat sport that includes grappling.

Would make an awesome thread here if it doesn’t alread exist.

Loose joints coupled with neglect of shoulder training fucked me in Highschool wrestling and football. A mistake that I am still paying for.

I have developed a few best practices for myself and am always looking to add to or change my approach on this.

I have the Oct. issue sitting in my magazine rack. I’m a bit behind in my reading, but I’ll get to this soon. Always look forward to reading your stuff.

Fight! magazine is a good read, pretty much every month. A lot of good features and in-depth pieces.

It’s good you guys are interested in this topic. Just keep in mind that what you see in my Fight! article represents about 1/5 of the complete shoulder assessment that I use.

This is the nature of newsstand magazines. There just isn’t room for much, and what they want me to say needs to be simple for the layperson to understand.

Nevertheless, it’s a cool little piece.

It’s kind of like the piece Men’s Fitness did this month on Forrest Griffin. They showed five exercises that they figured a typical MF reader could do on their own. In reality, Forrest’s strength trainer, Norm Turner, puts his fighters through much more than what you see.

I’ve got another article coming out in the November issue of Fight that BRIEFLY outlines a three exercise system I came up with to help fighters enhance “super stiffness” to generate more knockout power. Again, it’s super simplistic due to space limitations, but it’s good info to know.

Chad, when you say 1/5 of the info is available in the magazine, is there anywhere to get the rest of it.
Also I know this is digging up ancient artifacts but what became of Hammer Down: Mobility?

[quote]No-Gi wrote:
Chad, when you say 1/5 of the info is available in the magazine, is there anywhere to get the rest of it.
Also I know this is digging up ancient artifacts but what became of Hammer Down: Mobility?

I believe CW referred people to the Magnificent Mobility DVD for that portion.

Thanks, missed that.


[quote]Mick28 wrote:
Welp…I guess he does mind.[/quote]

Ha! No, I don’t mind. Sorry, I’ve been away from the forums for the last few days.

I work with BJJ and MMA fighters out of Rickson Gracie’s Center and The Pit Malibu. Those two organizations take up all of my available MMA time.

[quote]No-Gi wrote:
Chad, when you say 1/5 of the info is available in the magazine, is there anywhere to get the rest of it.
Also I know this is digging up ancient artifacts but what became of Hammer Down: Mobility?

I finished an ebook that covers it all. When that book will be available is up to the powers that be.

But I’ll be sure to keep you posted.

Magnificent Mobility is great, but it doesn’t merge into in-depth tests and solutions for the shoulders. But this wasn’t an oversight for Cressey and Robertson. They understand those topics well, they just didn’t cover it in that DVD.

Inside/Out is a great product for the shoulders.

Thats pretty random. On the train station when i was going home from work today i was looking for a magazine to read on the ride home. Never heard of the magazine before, didnt even know we had it over here, but anyways. Gonna read it on my way to work tomorrow. Didnt get to the article about the shoulders last night.

Question about the shoulders. If we have no pain in our shoulders, do military press to keep shoulders strong, do lots of rowing, and I still practice my muay thai. Is there any benefit in me doing rehab stuff for my shoulders if I havent had any problems with them (no pain or anything) ever in my life 2 years into working out?

Just picked up the mag yesterday and read the article. Great work CW! This will help me, personally, a great deal!

I just started martial arts and i feel the max i can lift is three days a week. What program would you reccomend Mr. Waterbury Hammer Down Strenght is a little advanced and i feel i need more strength