Recently I noticed a bulge in my upper left pec just medial to the sternum. I think I remember feeling a little irregularity there awhile ago, thinking it was a knot or something. But a few days after I hit chest this week I noticed that it is significantly swollen. Its strange because it is so localized.
I can feel the muscle fibers leading into the bulge, it seems like it is swollen muscle tissue. I was wondering if anyone else had ever had something like this.
My major concern is that it is a tear or partial tear. The muscle fibers that lead into the bulge seem to be of very poor tissue quality so I was wondering if it could just be a case of what happens when poorly functioning tissue is worked repeatedly. Any insight on this would be much appreciated.
No doctor on earth could tell you what that is without SEEING IT. Keep that in mind when you get hit with several supposed internet pseudo-docs who may try to diagnose you through their personal crystal balls.
You haven’t given enough information. My advice is see a doctor. If you have had this all your life that is completely different than having it just appear.
[quote]Shadowzz4 wrote:
Recently I noticed a bulge in my upper left pec just medial to the sternum. I think I remember feeling a little irregularity there awhile ago, thinking it was a knot or something. But a few days after I hit chest this week I noticed that it is significantly swollen. Its strange because it is so localized.
I can feel the muscle fibers leading into the bulge, it seems like it is swollen muscle tissue. I was wondering if anyone else had ever had something like this.
My major concern is that it is a tear or partial tear. The muscle fibers that lead into the bulge seem to be of very poor tissue quality so I was wondering if it could just be a case of what happens when poorly functioning tissue is worked repeatedly. Any insight on this would be much appreciated. [/quote]
I would take a pic but its subtle enough that you cant see it just looking at me. Very easy to feel though. Kindof feels like there is a something the size of a slightly bigger and elongated kidney bean. I definitely have had something in this area for awhile but it was always much much more subtle. It feels like it is directly superficial to the 2nd rib, at the bottom right corner of the manubrium if you are looking at me.
I guess I probably should have a doctor look at it. I can feel like I said before that it is comprised of muscle fiber as I can flex the same fibers just distal to it. The tissue quality seems to decrease as I approach the bulge and the same fibers get thicker and harder until they almost feel like a thin cable.
I should also mention my left pec has much much less mobility than the right. There are definite issues in there I need to get taken care of as the functional ROM seems to have decreased significantly over the years.
Thanks for the advice everyone.
I just remembered one more thing. Earlier this week, for the first time I had done an upper pec stretch somewhat like this:
The only difference was my hand was supinated, I was standing and pulling on a machine turning my body toward the right while my left side was being stretched. Could it be possible I ripped apart an adhesion?