Building Teardrop Area?

what is the consensus on the best way to build the teardrop? (vastus medialis)

I sort of have the typical “powerlifter” looking leg…decent outer thigh mass…no teardrop, mostly “upper” with not much “lower”, lol

I powerlifted all last year and until April of this year…for the moment I am back to powerlifting…trying to build some weak areas up (delts, teardrop, arms in general)

while powerlifting of course I did wide squats trying to keep the pressure OFF the knees and spread the load to the hips/glutes/hams

right now I am doing this (or similar variation) for legs

squats 4-5 straight sets of 7-8 reps usually, (medium stance, easily parallel or below, the knees going out slightly over the toes…on occasion I pyramid up to triples

one legged leg press 3x10 straight weight

seated leg curl 4 straight sets

lying leg curl 3 sets

sometimes I do a set or two of high box squats after regular squats

I am hittign the leg curls since I didnt do many of those last year…mainly I did stiff leg deads or RDL

so what should I be doing for teardrops? lunges? one legged type squats?

what about the squat itself…the Olympic lifters squat straight down letting the knees go WAY out over the toes and they usually have good teardrops…should I be working in some squats lettign the knees go farther forward?

sissy squats?
Peterson step ups?
Smith machine squats with certain foot positions??

is my idea of one legged leg press decent? I keep the foot near the lower middle of the footpad

and last but not least…what about leg extensions??? I know these are frowned upon by most strength athletes etc…but are they one of the btter moves for the teardrop?? should one try to sit up straighter (or actually lean forward) to hit the teardrop more? (by taking the outher thigh somewhat out of it)

any ideas?

                  Thanks, JP

Dumbbell squats are best IMO. I’m the only one I’ve ever seen do them but they are very effective. Just hold a pair of dumbbells and keep your feet close together and parallel and perform like a regular squat. I love them because you can go very low until the DB’S touch the floor. Try it. Just keep your back tucked and don’t round.

Bulgarian squats (holding DB’s or a BB with the back foot on a bench or something similar) with the working foot elevated to increase the range of motion, done until the knee hits the floor.

I cannot speak highly enough of this exercise. I had to buy new shorts and they are tight around the legs but looser around the waist because my legs have grown so much. I also have some veins on my quads (not pumped) when I have got a little beer belly (probably 10-15% bf), just due to the mass I have built primary from these. Work them primarily in the 6-10 rep range. Really, just give this one an shot, if you do it right three or four sets will leave you on the floor but your legs will grow like Barry did with Balco.

Do a search about bottom feeder squat and speed skater squats.

Try hack squats as well, with or without heels elevated.

I know this is gonna be the unpopular thing to say but honestly, if my experience of the best ways to grow the tear drop has been leg extensions.

Now before we all go fundo here, I am not an advocate of the extensions for leg strength in way , shape or form.

However I do recall being a 16 yr old swimmer and wanting that damned tear drop. I hit the extension every other day for close to 2 months. Said i was young, anyhow the result was the biggest freaking tear drop you ever saw ( on a 16 yr old swimmer at least )