Heya Manimals. Lately I’ve come to the conclusion that, among other things, I’d like to increse my Pec size and thickness. As far as sets and reps are concerned, am I better off in the 4 sets of 4-7 range or 4 sets of 8-10 or what? I was doing supersets on an incline bench for about a month and was fairly dissatisfied. I concluded that doing supersets did not allow me to go heavy enough and I feel this is the reason for the tarpit-speed development over the last month or so. Please, hook a monkey up with some input so he can have some hardcore output. Lata.
"MB Eric: Slices, dices for the rights prices since 1904."
If the supersets did not work for you then you might be better off training heavier with longer rests in between sets…Pick 1 basic compound exercise and hit it hard and heavy with 4X4-7, or 5X5. Switch the first exercise about every 3 weeks but always hit the first one heavy. After the first exercise you can do supersets, drop sets, pre-exhaustion etc. on the other exercises and you’ll probably find thatyou’ll be able to handle more weight due to your nervous system being fired up.
Heres a sample routine to give you an idea:
B1. flat dumbell flye 3X6-8 3-1-3 tempo
B2. flat barbell press 3X8-10 2-0-2 tempo (1.5 minute rest interval)
C1. chest dips…2 sets of 1 rep…30 seconds up 30 seconds down…2.5 minute rest interval
of course there are many variations and combinations you’ll just have to experiment. You might be more of a fast twitch person and if you are then the initial heavy exercise should do you a lot of good.