Building Muscle at the Joint

I’ve heard this term tossed around a bit by top powerlifters before. I’ve even seen it in an article about the difference of training for hypertrophy and for power, one of the authors said how powerlifters are more concerned about building muscles around the joint.

Any ideas or thoughts about this? Is this possible? What exercise would you choose for a specific joint?

I find that squats and deadlifts build muscle around my hip joints and benching seems to build muscle around my shoulder joints.

/smart assery

It pretty much just building the ligments attaching the muscle preventing a tear and also makes that muscle stronger. Stronger Ligments = Less likely to tear

[quote]prodiboy wrote:
It pretty much just building the ligments attaching the muscle preventing a tear and also makes that muscle stronger. Stronger Ligments = Less likely to tear[/quote]

What he said, except swap ligament for tendon (muscles attach via tendons). Just train slowly enough that your connective tissue strengthens to match your muscular strength. Muscle will always heal comparatively faster because of its greater blood supply, but tendon/ligament injuries take a while.

So, what is generally considered better for building connective tissue - low reps or high reps? I’ve heard people argue on either side. Just curious.

High reps will help them recover. Like if I’m starting to have elbow problems from board and close grip work on bench, I’ll start supersetting curls and pushdowns with mini bands and light free weights at home for sets of 20-30.

[quote]Fletch1986 wrote:
High reps will help them recover. Like if I’m starting to have elbow problems from board and close grip work on bench, I’ll start supersetting curls and pushdowns with mini bands and light free weights at home for sets of 20-30.


This. It can also be used as prehabilitation. For legs I like to do banded leg curls or leg curls with ankle weights for as many as 200 reps.

If you train drugfree,then your muscle growth will match your connective tissue growth.
I think that enhanced lifters run the risk of hypertrophy outrunning ligament/tendon growth.

I was more asking about specifically strengthening, not rehab/prehabbing the connective tissue. But I do that as well. It was more of a curiosity than anything.

Strengthening connective tissue is a means to prehabbing/rehabbing