It’s funny; you’ve given up the energy drinks but I just a week or two ago started having them pre-workout. Universal energy drink balance in effect.
I think you’re playing it smart going slow and listening to your body (i.e. the no-go on the deads the other day). As always I’m amused by the fact that, even taking it easy, your front squat is still stronger than pretty much anyone (else! :P) at my gym.
I think I’ve been looking at the STRONNNNNG chicks a whole lot more lately and of course I aim to be like them. FB friends have their benefits of constant updates on how freaking awesome they are. It makes me happy…and feel I have a lot more to prove in my mind at least…It’ll will come but it might be a while.
Thanks 2B OH isn’t rehabbing just the best? I was also told again by the pull up guy to wait …ARGH>>> I DON’T WANT TO WAIT TO DO PULL UPS >:(
But he’s right. I know its going to suck so bad starting again. Fuck it the bar’s going no where. HUHHHHH But I can’t do dips either…as in I tried and I’m not able to
thursday’s fronties 185x2 x 4 sets, 190x2 x 2 sets
Today I was able to do some deadlifts. I am now on week 2 coffee’s day one for deads. So 80% x3 x 6 sets
I got 285x3 x 5 sets and then set 6 only 2 reps but I’m ok with that.
I do better on deads if I am continually warmed up. In and out for deads in ten mins.
I made myself go because if I lingered it’d be a repeat of how I usually just bomb out more and more in my excitement that I feel better thus being too sore to lift the next day and overdoing my newly healed up whatever it was I messed up.
bar only gm’s ,ssb gm bar onlys , bar only ohs and cardio afterwards at 24 hour so I can watch the olympics.
yesterday I decide to finally do some pressing work. Its been forever since I’ve done push presses and I’ve apparently forgotten how. I usually only train them to get something up for an ohs but I need to do some pressing stuff so I’m training them on their own now.
pp 95x2,105x2, 11x2, 125x2, 130x2 x 3 sets
some lat work and misc upper back stuff
Today I was happy to get my fronties I had serious doubts but I managed them.
week 3 day one is 80% x4 x 6 sets. And I shall toot my own horn with the fact that I did them FAST. Reps were not fast but the resting time was. All sets completed in 8 minutes. (I have to have something to be proud about) And I jetted after too to 24 for cardio so I didn’t go all hog wild and bust my ass again.
Fronties 185x4x6 sets
Everything still feels heavier then it should be but I’m proud its done.–> WORD
Oh Brute, I’m so proud of you. Sometimes it’s best just to get in, do your work, and get out before you do too much. Especially so since you’re still on the mend. laugh That said it looks like you’ve not lost much ground.
You’re right about the pull ups; that bar’s going nowhere…except DOWN! (proverbially speaking of course) when you get back in form.
Hey Kristof Thanks MAN ALIVE are those pull ups going to kick my ass once I get back at em. I’m interested in what Harry will have me do once he gives me the ok to start.
I’ve bene hounding him with letters weekly begging to start…he still says nope:{
Hey Consul HA, well thank but this log is not as cool as it once was…sigh. I miss my ladies alot but there are a few places I also log that have a collection of some seriously beefy lifters–females. I strive to be as exclelent as them. These women are Kara Bohigna Smith, Pamela Bosko, Julia Ladeweski, and our own Vikki to anme a few.
OH and yeah…so I managed to get sick this week and have a full on summer sore thorat flu thing. I can’t remember the last time I was sick so its been waiting to happen I guess.
mondays deads
DEADS week 3 80% x4 x 6 sets- i took some liberty with the %'s
275x4, 285x4 x 5 sets
reps 225x8 x 2 sets ( one set in a belt) 245x8- belted. getting used to the belt in a way.
ghr’s abs
monday night I went back for more
fronties 180x5, x4, x4 then I was crumpling so bagged em
ohs 133 x 5 x 3 sets
reverse alt lunges 135 x5/ leg x 1 set
tuesday was just cardio and some upper back/lat stuff
today…not sure. I’m feeling pretty fluey today. I’m more then kinda mad my fronites are taking so long to get back in order. SHITZ. I might have to stay behind a week on them
Getting sick sucks ASS! Sorry about that. I’d say, if you’re not feeling too well, get some rest and skip training today. Your body needs all it’s resources to get over being sick. Just an idea.
Hope you feel better and you’re still a BA in in my eyes!
[quote]brute_fury wrote:
Hey Consul HA, well thank but this log is not as cool as it once was…sigh. I miss my ladies alot but there are a few places I also log that have a collection of some seriously beefy lifters–females. I strive to be as exclelent as them. These women are Kara Bohigna Smith, Pamela Bosko, Julia Ladeweski, and our own Vikki to anme a few.
Well, don’t worry, I didn’t read your old log - I have nothing to compare it to :P. It’s just awesome to see a woman lifting weights like a boss. All the women in my gym just spend hours on the cardio machines! I’m sure one day you’ll match the ladies who inspire you
Well thanks Consul…I’m trying …the ever lasting quest !!
Things feel a better monday, and I can say I feel like my lifts felt strong
Deadlifts : 280x5x 4 sets, 280x4 x 3 sets
Fronties 185x2 x 5 sets, 180 x 1
blah yeah I was supposed to do 6 sets of 5 but I am OK with…what I did for deads This program is so not being followed very well by me…ha !
I will say last week and this week I finally started to figure out how fs help with deads…or maybe how squats in general do. I got to a point where I just thought, squat it up in a way and it went up. Ok by me.
Well thanks Consul…I’m trying …the ever lasting quest !!
Things feel a better monday, and I can say I feel like my lifts felt strong
Deadlifts : 280x5x 4 sets, 280x4 x 3 sets
Fronties 185x2 x 5 sets, 180 x 1
blah yeah I was supposed to do 6 sets of 5 but I am OK with…what I did for deads This program is so not being followed very well by me…ha !
I will say last week and this week I finally started to figure out how fs help with deads…or maybe how squats in general do. I got to a point where I just thought, squat it up in a way and it went up. Ok by me.[/quote]
I <3 fronties. Though, I think your form is probably more elegant than mine haha.
HA Consul …I’m just now getting used to clean grip for fs…I was a genie style girl for a LONG time:D
yesterday was just cardio.
Today 80% x5 x6 sets front sq
180x5x6 sets
dl’s 280x2 x6 sets
zerchers 200x2 x 3 sets, 200x6
I like how zerchers make me feel, they really give you a sense of fatigue. At least for me since I don’t have the best upper back strength. That counts as my upper back work in my book.
OH and belt was used on today’s deads and zerchers. Its handy that’s for sure when I’m fatigued. I like my thrift store belt better.
I can’t for the life of me un-lever the lever belt easy when I have it on me. It could be because I put it together real fast with no tools…but I don’t think so. A belt I had borrowed a while ago that was a lever one and I had the same problem. I don’t like being stuck in clamped position. Prong $8 thrift store belt is so much easier.
Hm, I think maybe it’s s’posed to be hard to un-lever so it gives a sturdier/more secure feel? Either way, if you’ve got a belt you’re happy with yay.
Looks like you did a little better at following your program this time too. points finger
I’ll have to give those zerchers a try I guess; you and some other people seem to like them. I’m hesitant for some reason but I’ll give 'em a go next cycle. nod
And yes, I’m going genie. laugh The clean grip has been, oddly, bothering my knuckles lately. As in the feel like they’re being pulled on excessively. I’ve never felt that before and am unsure why I’m feeling it now- but I’m happy to use the genie style on my lighter weight sets for awhile. And since you’re moving to the clean grip we will work together to maintain cosmic balance, a la energy drinks.
I can’t for the life of me un-lever the lever belt easy when I have it on me.[/quote]
Greetings, Brute. Awesome log, you are amazingly strong.
I have an Inzer 13mm lever. If you can’t release the lever, I think there may be something wrong with the belt; mine pops open easily. When I first got my belt, however, I had a hard time getting the little prongs out of the holes to take the belt off. Once the belt broke-in it became easy to take off. I hope this makes sense.
Kristof! You should get at the zerchers!! I was a huge hater of them before I even gave them a chance. And i recommend using a pad for sure on the bar. I am all about the pussy pad on my bar for those. Also you might try them from the safeties too. I prefer them this way, Anderson style zerchers.
Jackie!!! Thanks!! Aren’t they cool ?? I’m still learning them really and I can’t do them when I want to train hard the following day just yet. They make me so tired in a beefcake way
Hey Consul! It took me forever to give up my genie style. But I noticed my elbow and wrists protesting on me from genie way. Also clean grip once you get the hang of it which I am still doing IS easier to balance and get out of the hole. It helps too to make sure the elbows are up which genie style is harder to do then clean.
Once you get it you’ll like it I hope
Aeyogi!! Thanks, and That’s EXACTLY what I was talking about with my belt but I explained it all wrong! The things get stuck in the holes!! I’m so lazy…I wonder if it will help if I try working on the holes and getting the thing out of them when I don’t have the belt on. Because when I do have it on and get trapped I freak out and get claustrophobic of a belt being stuck on me forever.
This last week has been hell at work. Just so busy. And I’m had no motivation to get in a workout during my work week. I had high hopes for deadlifts today after 4 days off but ti was a no go.
Oh! But I did get the ok to start pull ups again…veyr slowly :{ only get to do 6 sets of 3 for fucks sake this week!!! I really hope Harry my pull up coach gives me more to do next time. I miss them so. :{ But yes I am rusty and my pecks were sore after my first assigment of 5 sets of 3. I’ll get them agian.
Disappointment Deadlifts. Supposed to do 6 sets of 6 at 80% . nuh uh today
dl’s 280x5x2 sets, 280x4 x 2 sets. I stopped the reps on the sets when I felt they were going to be shitty.
SO I came home and chilled a bit. Then tried again a few hours later and got a SMALL PARTY redemption lifts tonight at 24 hour fitness. I had a good time and partied a bit. Since deadzohs were not happening I am ok with my lil make up session.
ohs 130x8, 135x8, 135x8, 133x8
messed around a bit. Did a bunch of mish mash
oh lunges 89 x8 /leg for a few sets
oh Bulgarians 95x3 /leg x 2 sets of laughs…so of balance since I 've been outta Bulgarian land for a while.
Also just some misc party stuff. Not sure if it was functional but I tried some hands- free front squats. Here’s a vid I did miss my Circus Brute exercises. I will do them more again.
[quote]brute_fury wrote:
Hey Consul! It took me forever to give up my genie style. But I noticed my elbow and wrists protesting on me from genie way. Also clean grip once you get the hang of it which I am still doing IS easier to balance and get out of the hole. It helps too to make sure the elbows are up which genie style is harder to do then clean.
Once you get it you’ll like it I hope
I’m so jealous of your hip mobility too LOL.
I was doing the clean grip front squats, but the bar wasn’t resting firmly on my shoulders, and my elbows were not staying up, due to my lack of wrist flexibility. Genie style for me until I sort my wrists out and become as cool as you
That lifting looked like a lot of fun. Sometimes it’s nice to just play around in the gym and have some fun - that’s one of the main reasons we’re there, right?
Hey consul AHH, I see then so that choice makes sense. I’m tottally for whatver works for the individual. I’m glad that genie works for – Wrists can be tricky bastards.
fs 180x6, x5, x4 x OH MY GOD I don’t think I like this program :{
…then a bunch of other fs that I kept at desperately–desperately trying to get into a mojo.
I know I lifted late last night, and stuff I hadn’t done in a while… and I know I am still coming back form that stupid strain and blah blah blah…but my gut tells me this program won’t work for me. I probably should have re-done my one rep max but I didn’t.
I think the time isn’t right for this program and I’m done with it. I’m going to play it by ear and use a modified version of …yeah I won’t lie I’m just gonna wing it.
I know what works for me is more wt on the bar for singles and doubles on these fs and then after I get a tolerance my reps comes after.
So after a few hours I did my pull up assignment and some upper body stuff and cardio at 24 hour fitness. It wasn’t anything to write home about but I did bench. Not much but I benched…so I filled my quota for the next six months of benching.