Brute's Book

Spock—you are correct-amundo. I do have a lot of fun and really do lead a very silly life :)…but not enough variety!! I need to amend this. And you are spot on with stable aspect, SPOT ON!!

I have limits: nothing outdoors before sunset–i dissolve in the sun and nothing on the weekends since I work. And I’d like to do more stuff with my Nigel…but he can’t be around other dogs…or fleshy humans :{

BUT!! This does lead me with fairly specific options. I want to draw more to start with so I will be doodling this weekend. And I loaded Nigel’s backpack with Diet Mtn Dews for our walkies

Also I keep getting these vibes of wanting to get more into lifting or just athletics in general, as in make it a bigger part of my life. Some way to make it a side job…somehow. HMM. Its come to my attention that the lifts I like–front squats and push presses and zerchers are very Highland game themed. I did not realize this.

Kristof!!! That is funny you say that about the space on the clean grip… Because I was thinking the same thing!! It would make sense!! I am trying it next frontie day!! And I’ve seen oly dudes practicing that zombie move!! Its totally true, the bar just chills :wink:

PFFTTT!! Show off on the pull ups…I’ll get to sets of ten!! I will!!..maybe by Christmas? :slight_smile:

THANKS 2b!! :D!!

deads conventional: 135, 185, 235, 265, 285, 305x3, 310 x2
conventional with some chains of whatever wt 225x4, 245x4, 265x4, 275
deficit conventional 275x2, 285x2, 290x2, 305 x2
conventional ss with sumo deads 225x2, 245x2, 265x2, 275x2, 285x2
dips 3 sets of 3–although one was shallow, 8 sets of 2
ghr abs and stepmill for 18 minutes. I forgot how much I hate that thing.

I just wasn’t really in any sorta anything. Mish MASH dead day

laugh So I should clarify:

I mean I generally do 10 sets of 5, not 5 sets of 10. I don’t know why I invert the usual format on that exercise but I do. However! Tonight I did 10x3 and 5x4, since you thought I was doing sets of ten. I reckon you’ll hit a set of 10 before Christmas even. :slight_smile:

PMPM has long said you’d be good at strongman type (slash Highland Games) stuff if I recall (she’s not the only one either, methinks). Maybe there’s a games near you sometime soon- I’m sure some o’ the lads’d be happy to introduce you to some o’ the events. :smiley:

You have a crazy amount of working sets for deadlift and deadlift varients by the way, I’m pretty sure my body couldn’t take that at equal percentages.

Kristof!! Oh I see then! :D!! we should race to sets of 10!! well, as fast as Harry Selkow tells me to go :slight_smile:
I just filmed my pull ups from the front and they are not pretty…however that galiath Konstanvinos does them his own way so that’s fine with me!

I need to read up on Highland games stuff. And yep! PMPM does have the inside info on strongman. I really wish I could make up my own federation. The lifts would be front squat, deadlift, pushpress. I think that covers the bases of strength. One of my lame excuses for not getting more into strongman is tha tits horrible uncomfortable :{

Today I started about mid cycle thru this formula I picked up from non other then Kara Bohigian Smith and the place she used to train at called Coffee’s gym. Its a basic oly style lifitng template. Thru the power of the internet, I have found several new intense female lifters who I hoep to one day fall in some part of their shadows!

…Kara’s front squat is 315. She weight 158!!

So I think I can take her methods and give em a shot! I will be using it for fronties, zerchers and maybe push presses. Maybe deads too?

Here’s the template–not sure if it’ll post above or below this!

The days are not supposed to be back to back, just twice a week for whatever lift.

I started today with front squats
fs 185x6x6 sets, 200x2 x 2 sets, 201x2, 205x2, 206x2, 210x2

doing my pull ups: 9 sets of 7, 1 set of 6.

Again, not poised and picture perfect! But each week the first few sets look better and feel stronger. …I do get tired come sets 6 thru 10 :{. And I do take my time, I did these over an hour and ten minutes. So they really are a pull up party date night kinda thing.

Today I had to go to 24 hour fitness since my turbo gym was closed for the holiday. All went well until some trainer dude comes trotting up to ask me quiet down. His words were directed at the noise the bar made hitting the safeties for my anderson zerchers. " I mean I get it -its heavy and all, but I can here it all across my gym". "Really? "I said and he of course thought I was doubting the noise carrying 20 feet instead of questioning how lame he sounded. “His” gym had to hear the clanging a bit more.

Keep in mind an hour later that place is totally full of meatheads who hoot and holler and slam etc.

zerchers 180x6, 185x6, 190x6, 200x6, 210x6,215x6
225x2 x 3 sets, 235x2 of anderson zerchers
chins 4 sets of 5, 3 sets of 4

I also tried paused front squats counting to 5 in my head at the bottom. 165 x2, 185x2, 195x2, 200
15 mins cardio

Yes, but it’s easier to ask you to be quiet than it is those guys (I guess). shrug I was in the gym one night and there were a couple other guys in there. I was doing my deads and making a bit of racket, for which I apologized at one point. One of the guys said “Shit, it’s a weight room ain’t it?”. I have since quit worrying. :smiley: I’m glad you decided to keep making noise in ‘his’ gym. :smiley:

I’m also super excited to see you on a planned progression. You’re so strong already that it seems a shame not to be making deliberate increases in strength. Though it does amuse me that you go in and have gym parties where you do whatever. :slight_smile: It won’t be long before 225 on front squats is a working set, and sets of 6 pull ups will be the proverbial light weight. nod

I’ve got MP later today, I’ll see what I can do about making it 4 sets of 10 pull ups instead of just 3. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, I think that i am pretty easy to approach vs douchie blowhard meatheads. I just don’t get how clanging a barbell or whatever is ever disruptive to anyone who is in a gym.

I CANNOT wait until 225 is a working set :slight_smile:

Today I made a lame attempt to see if I had any deadlift rep skill anymore…and like I figured I don’t anymore.
O’s got a thread to this dl rep challenge that uses your wt in a wilks formula equation…blah blah its a rep contest. My wt would make my lift for reps 31o which I’ve never gotten much more then 4 reps or so let along now. Anyways, here 's today’s deads.

135, 1856, 225, 255x2, 275x2 ,295 x3 HA.
back down to 225x10, 245x10, 265x10, 280 x 3. mmfp.
so 225x10, 245x10 265x4
abs and whatever.

I’m not real serious about this rep challenge, but its funny because I have been wanting to see a rep max on 315. I think the most I’ve done on 315 is 3 or 4. Anything over 300 is really tough for me to get much out off. But really I just want a bigger dl more then reps.

I think I did too much this week. MEH. My back said no no no after today’s lil sess

fronties 190x2, 200x2 x 5 sets
tiny bit of abs and stretching

Today I am still to sore to lift, I really over did it in my excitement last week of having so many days off. Bad idea…but I had fun doing it so I punish myself with deload week.

so I did my pull ups instead!
10 sets of 7!

uh…well 8 sets of 7 then set 9 was interrupted on rep 5 by Nigel running in and trying to grab my feets while I was pulling. Yeah I’m not up to doing pull ups with a 108# dog on my ankles yet. Or ever! SO I did a set of 5 right after. Then the last set of 7, so yes! 10 sets plus an extra few thanks to Nigel.

He just wants me as beefy as him. I do strive to look as good as him, total beefcake.

edit: went to gym and did stepmill death for 17 mins, so ghetto revers hypers and some abs.

I think I will take the next few days off since my back is still angry at me for pushing it too much last week. Its a good time to brush up on my cardio. Ever so slightly.

Great work on the pull ups and the puppy pull ups. Hope the back heals soon.

HKD :smiley: ! ! ! ! ! Thanks! ! !

Back is slowly healing up. For a good while my SI area was so painful. Pretty much takes the wind out of your sails to do anything, but I have been a good girl and have not lifted in wild attempt to …just be dumb.

This week will be cardio only for the remainder of the week. I did the stepmill today for 20 mins and it was FAR harder then it should be. I’m out of shape! SO its cardio rx form hense forth.

My pull up assignment didn’t go perfectly, but I ended up with 8 sets of 8, 2 sets of 7 and a set of 5. I was aiming for ten sets of 8 but I got this instead. 8 reps are a pull up pr for me :slight_smile:

ALSO I ordered a belt. A silver foxy grey Izner forever lever belt. It’ll be here in a few weeks.


Not only a rep PR, but 8 sets of that PR; excellent. :slight_smile:

I wondered where you’d been! I didn’t realize your back was hurting you that much, boo on SI pain and yay on it healing up. I was a day or two from sending out an e-search party. :stuck_out_tongue:

New mission (for me): execute a successful simulated Nigel-up. This…will be tough. :smiley:

New belt sounds fun, I like the name. grin


I am still trying to figure out how to use mine properly :confused:

Thanks Kristof!! I was really happy with the 8! :smiley:

Spock!!! Yes! I am excited for my belt. I think I’m mature enough to use it too…if that makes sense? :{

Tuesday was a really tough day and I had to say goodbye to someone who owned my heart. My back is feeling better but I need a whole life re-evaluation. So I’m focusing on healing up and going to be pretty quiet in here in the next few weeks. I’ll be back by the time Silver Fox (belt!) is in my mailbox.

Sorry to hear about the rough day and I hope the back and heart both heal well and quick. If you are not going to be around for awhile we will eagerly await the return of the brute. You are a great motivator for me. Pull ups seem to be going quite well and I see cardio as a necessary evil maybe you enjoy it but I can only tolerate it.

Brute: Just wanted to say that I am thinking of you.

:slight_smile: Thanks for the good vibes, HKD.

SNAP-- thank you :slight_smile:

Things are getting back in line. Yesterday stitches came out and I ventured for some front squats. Everything of course felt very heavy even though it wasn’t…sort of. Back is feeling ok so here we go. But sadly no pull ups for a bit while I heal up :{

I’m starting Coffee’s Russian squat program and I’m using it for my deadlift too.
week one is 80% x2 x 6 sets.
SO 180x2 x 6 sets.

I also scored a really nice belt used at the goodwill—my size, and $8 :slight_smile: SO I’ll be trying that out for deads the next time I go gym it. My lever belt is still being made by Izner so I can mess with this one until it get here.

Hooray return of Brute! :smiley:

I’m glad things are starting to get back in line, and that you’re getting back in the gym. I feel like that will be helpful on multiple levels. nod

Good job scoring that belt too; that’ll give you some practice using it until the Silver Fox(!) arrives. :slight_smile:

Thanks Kristof :smiley:

It’ll be a long slow hole to China…yet again. I’m totally ok with this though. I tried some deads today and it was a no go, so just cardio.

I happened to weigh myself was shocked I dropped 7 pounds. Its my loneliness diet it seems :{

…and the energy drinks are really gone as well. I am proud I dropped those for good uneventfully by just not wanting to drink anything peppy. Those lo carb monster drinks were a real crutch I needed to stop.

This post if lethargic but optimistic :slight_smile: I’ll get back to it :slight_smile:

fronties today week 2 day one coffees
180x3 x 6 sets