Spock—you are correct-amundo. I do have a lot of fun and really do lead a very silly life :)…but not enough variety!! I need to amend this. And you are spot on with stable aspect, SPOT ON!!
I have limits: nothing outdoors before sunset–i dissolve in the sun and nothing on the weekends since I work. And I’d like to do more stuff with my Nigel…but he can’t be around other dogs…or fleshy humans :{
BUT!! This does lead me with fairly specific options. I want to draw more to start with so I will be doodling this weekend. And I loaded Nigel’s backpack with Diet Mtn Dews for our walkies
Also I keep getting these vibes of wanting to get more into lifting or just athletics in general, as in make it a bigger part of my life. Some way to make it a side job…somehow. HMM. Its come to my attention that the lifts I like–front squats and push presses and zerchers are very Highland game themed. I did not realize this.
Kristof!!! That is funny you say that about the space on the clean grip… Because I was thinking the same thing!! It would make sense!! I am trying it next frontie day!! And I’ve seen oly dudes practicing that zombie move!! Its totally true, the bar just chills
PFFTTT!! Show off on the pull ups…I’ll get to sets of ten!! I will!!..maybe by Christmas?
THANKS 2b!! :D!!
deads conventional: 135, 185, 235, 265, 285, 305x3, 310 x2
conventional with some chains of whatever wt 225x4, 245x4, 265x4, 275
deficit conventional 275x2, 285x2, 290x2, 305 x2
conventional ss with sumo deads 225x2, 245x2, 265x2, 275x2, 285x2
dips 3 sets of 3–although one was shallow, 8 sets of 2
ghr abs and stepmill for 18 minutes. I forgot how much I hate that thing.
I just wasn’t really in any sorta anything. Mish MASH dead day