Brute's Book

Hey Spock! I will give the bands a shot monday! We shall see !

Sat- ohs 133x8, 138x8, 143x7, fail bit a BETTER HIGHER fail to get 148 up and locked out.

fronties 170x2, 190, 210 x2, 215x2 x 3 sets
190x7, x5, x4, 175x9, x5, x4
zerchers 135x2, 155x2, 175x2, 190x2, 205x2 x 3 sets
bent over rows 150x3 x 5 sets

back squatted for the first time in forever.
135, 185, 225, 245, 265

dl’s I only really lift conventional so they are all connies
dl- 135, 185, 225, 250, 270, 290, 310, 340…and a climber hitchin’ 350 PR :)!!! !!!
dl’s with chains 225x2, 245x2, 270x3, 275x3, 280 x3
deficit dl’s using 25’s 250x3, 270x2, 290x2, 300x2, 310
celebratory ohs 95x20
bw only reverse hypers

pull ups 3 sets of 7, 7 sets of 6

Wow awesome lifts and pull ups. Congrats on the pr.


Today fronties
135, 155, 185, 200, 211, 221 x 4 singles
206x2 x 2 sets, 195x3 x 4 sets, 185 x3 x 2 sets
anderson fs 145x5, 170x3, fail to get 185
push presses 95x6, 100x6, 105x6, 115x4, 120x4, 125x3, 130x2, 133, 138
ghr’s bw x5, x6, x7, x9
ghr ad stuff
misc cleans and snatches off the box just messing around.

HELL YES PR!! Way to go (wo)man!!!

I cannot even imagine front squatting that!! (YET :P)
Amazing work lady!

I heard Brute Fury was badass, so I thought I’d check in…

Yep… Badass MaFa… Great training!

:smiley: THANKS SPOCK!!! :smiley: I am so happy!!! :smiley:

Coyote!!! :smiley: Thank you :D!!!

Well Hello there Steely! :smiley: Thanks for poppin by :D!!!

OH I’ve been working…so much this week.BUSY nights at the vet er. I still have two more ten hours days left then I am going to enjoy… potentially working more:{ I need the money in a bad way so its ok. I’ll get thru it and replenish my savings account.

So I forgot to log!
weds stuff
ssb squats with chains 150x2, 170x2, 200x5x3 sets, 190x6x3 sets
dls 135, 185, 225, 255, 275, 295, 310
zerchers 185x3, 205x2, 215
having trouble racking em so I tried Anderson zerchers 185x5, 205x2, 215, 225
power rows 135x3, 155x5, 175x3, 185x3, 195 x2

those rows I doubt are real bent over rows since i ooph em so I will call them power rows

Today was a good day! Not a huge training day at all sine I’ve been working a whole lot this week. I figure I can makeup wheneve, but I AM glad for my achievement!

Fronties 170, 190, 210, 220 x 2 x 2 sets, 220 single, 225 PR! then a fail at 230 but whatever!
ohs 138x6, 133x6

today was deadlifts
135, 225, 255, 275, 300, 320, fail at 340, 325
conventional with chains 245, 275x3, 285x3, 295x2, 300
deficit deads 245, 300 x2 x2 sets, 305, 310, 315, 245 x10
clean to front loaded reverse alternate lunges 95x8 (total not per leg), 115x8, 125x8, 130 x 4 wild ones.

alligator trucks with a 100# plate x not sure how far did 3 trips of misc distance. Took me 3 minutes so it was not fast!
abs, stretches

YOU GOT YOUR FS!!! I demand more exclaimation marks!!

Congrats on another PR. That is awesome. I agree with Spock that it needs a few more !!! As always you continue to inspire me. Good luck with the work schedule

I DID get my fs!!! :D!!!

More more more!! SPCOK!!!

did pull up party monday afternoon too soon after deads. I did it but it was a grinder.
4 sets if 7, 6 sets of 6 pull ups… inching for every bit of the last 3 sets.

Dear god no more work for me the next two days. I got called in yet again last night for an over night shift. I am SO not a martyr for fucking work, good money but if I am too beat to lift FUCK OFF MONEY!!My point has been reached with 64 hours of summer time busy ass veterinary emergencies. Right now I’m exhausted but fuckin relieved to be off the next two days.

Fronties were a bit of a calamity today I kept dropping them! I skinned my knee on the bar dropping it! SO I called it after a few botched attempts and did Anderson fs instead since I was dropping them anyways.

FS 175, 195, 210x 1 but dropped number 2, 210 for 4 singles, 206 for one and a dropped rep.
Anderson fs with chains 135+ chains wt whatever it is x5, x5, x8
155+ chains x2 x3 sets
totally beat to shit. abs, glute activation. OVER.

Today was a bit better, less tired

ssb super wide squats 170x6 x 3 sets, 200x3, 210 x 3 x 2 sets
Anderson zerchers 175x2, 205x2, 225x2 x 3 sets fail at 245
deads 135, 185, 225, 255
added chains 225x3,245x2, 265x2
swapped to sumo, kept the chains 225x2,245x2, 265, 275, 295-- I think that’s a sumo pr. I Never pull sumo so its awkward
Anderson zerchers with chains 135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 195 x 3

Today I had to call in hookie at work and not go in…bad day. I’m kinda loosing the plot in my personal life :frowning: BUT I think soon things will be amended one way or the other. And I’m voting for the good way!

Front sq 170, 190, 210 x2 x2 sets, 195x4x 3 sets
ohs 138x5 x 5 sets

then a relaxing horribly hot day.
Did pull ups early this week so I can get them in with solid effort
5 sets of 7, 5 sets of 6.

I have got to learn clean grip for my fronties. I’ve noticed a twinge in my right elbow form my genie style!! HA! Well, I’ve heard once you get the clean grip down, its easier to push more wt do to the bar placement being more center to your body. So this week will be doing that.

Hope everything works out for you! Take care! I use clean grip for my front squats and I love it. Its very stable, the bar stays put nice and tight.

Hey thanks Coyote! I did try them clean grip today and it wnet ok! ONly a few reps of 170, 190, 205 but that it hopefull!

deads convtional 135, 185, 225, 255, 275, 305, 315, fail at 335 twice, Moved like a centimeter upwards.
Dropped the wt tried some lighter ones with chains but that was just another mess.

Just did some deficite ones instead
deficit dls 265x7, 275x7, 285x7, 295x fail, then 295 x3, 265 x8
Tried out clean grip for fronties and it felt pretty decent! So I’m excited for that! Just did singles of 170, 190, 205.

ALSO: I can do a dip. I never have been able to any but I did 3 today. Starting tomorrow is another dip party program like the pull up weekly parties. I would like to do ten dips!

Front squats new improved CLEAN grip virgin versions 155x5, 165x6, 175x6, 185x5, 195x4 x 2 sets, 200x3 x 3 sets, 206x2 x 2 sets
ohs 115x10, 133x8
Alligator trucks with a 100#…slowwwww but I felt every bit of it for misc distance but about 1 and a 1/4 longer distance then last week.
Also did misc pulley work, fat man pull ups etc

ghr abs
and dips! 7 sets of 2. VERY pleased with this! I’ve never been able to do a dip. Project Beefcake Brute FULL FORCE

Your log always makes me smile. :smiley:

Grats on the FS/Sumo PR’s and virgin clean grip FS’s (and dips!). FULL FORCE! :smiley:


today was misc zercher day. I’m giving them a day now all for them selves and whatever friends decide to show up!!

I started with anderson zerchers. I need to swap up to regular ones since unrackign them is worthy battle in and of itself.

Anderson zerchers 170. 190, 210, 225x2, 155x6, 165x6, 175x6, 185x4, 190x4, 205x4, 215, 225
deads mix and match conventional w/ sumo225x3, 245x3 each, 265x3 each
conventional only 285x2, 300x3 x 3 sets, 315 x2
zercher gm’s oh la la 95 x5 x 3 sets ss with the above dl’s
ssb squats 170 x 20
ankle wt abs and kettle ball swings misc kg’s x 20 each
ghr, ghr abs.

I feel GOOD today! As in happily fatigued! I haven’t felt this way in quite a while! Feel like I’ve been out in the field plowing for mother Russia.

Besides the fact I ate nearly a pound of salted pistachios yesterday and now have sausage fingers. GOOD DAY!!!