Brokeback Mountain: The Director’s Bulk

I’m going to tag you in my log so as not to blow up yours.

Back is feeling back at like 95% as of now, so I’ll be fine for Saturday. Here’s a few meals I’ve had since I’ve come back to MD, just to give an idea what my nutrition looks like when it’s not dependant on a dining hall (the bowl is chili)


That’s just one meal, right?


probably is for him, have you seen how much he has grown.


This is big time eating. Love to see it

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@LoRez - Mid-afternoon snack, I was feeling peckish ;]

@simo74 & @Stormblessed Thanks!

For anyone who didn’t see it in the other thread, here’s a little before/after lol. Probably about an 85 pound delta between those.


Conjugate W4D1: ME Upper

Strict Press: 185x1, 200x2 (PR)
Push Press: 225x1 (PR)
DB Bench: 95x8/8/8
WGPUs: 10/8/9
DB Curls: 40x8/8/8
Machine Flies Drop Set: 190x8, 150x8

Incline Walk: 15:00

I have zero idea how to push press, and randomly try it every once in a blue moon for fun. This is my first time ever getting two plates overhead and I’m pretty proud of it. Strict press felt pretty off today, but if this is my off-day performance then I’ll still have a PR single when I go for it. DB bench still progressing steadily. But the dumbbells here jump from 100 to 110, so I’m gonna spent a bit longer pushing reps at 100 than I would otherwise. Weight as of yesterday is 201, so amazingly I’ve had lost a few pounds while eating all the stuff in the food post above.



Awesome, congrats on both press PRs

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Conjugate: W4D2 DE Lower

Speed Squat: 260x3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3
Speed Deadlift: 345x1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1
Leg Curls: 185x8/8/8
HLR: 12/12/12

Incline Walk: 15:00

Solid day :]


Your transformation, progress, work ethic, eating, lifts and determination are seriously inspiring. I’m sure you get this often, but you seem wise beyond your years.


@boilerman I really appreciate that :] all of the experiences I’ve gotten over the past few years from school/training/work have really helped me in that regard, I feel.
Conjugate: W4D3 DE Upper

Speed Bench: 160x3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3
Press: 145x10/10/8
NG Pull-Ups: BWx13/12/10
Pushdowns: Max x10+10+10+7+3 (V. Short Rest)
Concentration Hammer Curls: 35x10+6+3 RP

Incline Walk: 15:00

Cycled grips (wide/mid/close) on the speed benching, and close felt faster every time. I think this may just be my go-to bench width going forwards lol


Conjugate: W4D4 ME Lower

Deadlift: 455x2, 475x3 (PR)
Power Shrug Drop Set: 405x12/315x12
Decline Sit-Ups: 45x15/13/12
Leg Extensions: 235x8/8/8

Incline Walk: 15:00

This was tough, but if I can pull 495 for a double next week then I’ll feel good about my ability to hit a PR the week after. Next session is about to be a fun one for me.


The fruits of pressing overhead and power shrugging


Conjugate: W5D1 ME Upper

Press: 195x1, 210x1 (PR)
DB Bench: 100x5/4/5
WGPU: 11/9/8
Alt. DB Curls: 45x8/8/8
Machine Chest Fly Drop Set: 200x10/160x8

Incline Walk: 15:00

First strict press PR single in a hot minute, hyped as fuck to have put that up.

I need to learn how to kick my dumbbells into position to bench them, or get something like the support hooks I’ve seen @throwawayfitness use. Rolling back and pressing them for the first rep is much harder than successive reps, and probably won’t be doable at all if I go much heavier than I am now.


He keeps on creating PRs!

He can’t be stopped :scream:!

Good job dude!


Congrats. Nice work

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If it was me I would stay at that weight and add reps. when you can press then for 3 sets of 8, then move up.

Either that or get someone to hand them up for you and spot you.

Nice work on the overhead PR.

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Conjugate: W5D2 DE Lower

Speed Squat: 265x3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3
Speed Deadlift: 355x1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1
Leg Curls: 190x8/8/8
Decline Sit-Ups (arms extended overhead): 10/10/7

Incline Walk: 15:00

Getting close to maxing out the hamstring curls - the machine only has 15 pounds of extra adjustable weight left before I start Jerry-rigging stuff and/or pushing reps. And that sit up variation is deceptively hard. Feels much better on my abs than just weighting a normal sit up.


Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m planning on. The dumbbells at this gym jump from 100 to 110, so I’ll probably aim for sets of 10 or 12 before I even attempt to jump up in weight.

I love dumbbell bench as a movement, and it feels great on my chest, but it’s sketchy as fuck sometimes. I might try your hand-off/spot suggestion though, that sounds like it could work. Although admittedly there aren’t many people at this gym compared to my university one who I’d trust spotting me lol.

Thanks :] I may shoot for 215 next week if I think it’s there.