Been lurking T Nation for a while & decided it was time to start my own log. I’m heavily influenced by the time I spent wrestling, hence the name of the log.
About me
I’ve been training for 8 years, starting when I was 16. In high school, I was playing sports all year round, so training was always second priority. After graduating, I started CrossFit, which I focused on for the next few years. For about the last year, my main focus has been on getting bigger & stronger, though crossfit still has some influence on how I train.
**Recent training **
The last three months, I ran two cycles of 5/3/1 BBB straight into building the monolith. I got my weight up to about 195 (at 5’ 10”). I am now taking a break from gaining (planning ~6 weeks) during which I am running 5/3/1 PR sets with FSL widowmakers. I take almost no rest days, doing some form of conditioning on all days that I am not lifting, & on many of the days I am lifting.
Will update this with more info later if anyone has questions
Todays training
Week 2 day 1 5/3/1 PR sets & widowmakers
3x120, 3x140, 10x160, 12+6+2x120
Superset w/
Band pull aparts 5x20
Giant set
4x10 incline bench (2@135, 2@155)
4x15 chins
4x12 hammer curls
Rest pause 50 dips
30 minute airdyne- 12.5 miles
Press is a lifetime PR. Previous best ever was 155x9
Dips have been getting stronger as well. Able to knock out big sets to get to 50 with relatively little rest.
This is my second week doing incline bench…pretty much ever. Still adjusting to it, so not too aggressive with the weight. That said, 155 was still challenging by the end.
Overall, I’m excited with how this block of PR sets has gone so far. Last week I hit 200x15 on bench. Looking back in my training journal, a little over a year ago I hit 205x8 on a + set, it’s nice to see the previous 12 weeks of VERY hard training paying off. Conditioning is very high now as well. Really feels like a lot of things are fitting into place nicely.