I was just talking with a powerlifter about this yesterday. I’m as strong on close grip as I am on normal but normal makes my right shoulder hurt. He basically said it’s because I have shitty scapula control especially with not having my labrum in my right shoulder. The close grip artificiality makes everything tight because of the closeness. Just some food for thought
I decided to make my heavier volume work slow cambered wide grip bench to see if it helps.
Speed Bench: 180x3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3
Press: 135x10/10/10/10
Pull-Ups: BWx10/10/9/7
Uni. Hammer Curls: 40x9/7/6
Pushdowns (RP): Max x21+10+6, Some Extra w/ Brother
Elliptical: 18:00
Random SSB showed up in the gym - no idea if someone’s just storing it here or if the it’s the gym’s. If it’s the latter case, that’ll be a cool ME movement to throw in. Presses felt great today.
Saw stars after that rerack lol. Wasn’t able to do my drop set of power shrugs on account of not bringing straps, so I just banged out a few quick sets of ten and moved on.
Final grades came out, and went about as expected. Was hoping that a 97.5 would get bumped to an A+ (it didn’t,) but my 4.29/4.0 still puts me among the top law applicants any given year.
Got a 104% on my final paper for a professor who’s writing one of my rec letters, which likewise bodes well.
Pin Squat: 1x350, 1x375, 1x385 (PR)
Power Shrug Drop Set: 405x11, 315x11
Leg Extensions: 230x8/8/8
Incline Walk: 15:00
Great fight for that single. And a parallel pin squat at >95% of my normal squat max is a good indication that I have a PR ready to go down the line.
I pulled my left lat or something near it (where it connects to my ribs, more my side than my back) on my warm-up with 275 (your guess is as good as mine,) so that hurts like a motherfucker. Will make a decision tomorrow on if I’ll Deload until the end of the week (today was the end of the block anyways) or if I’m feeling better.
I’m not too worried about the strain - I had a really bad back injury before I started this log (like one that ended up requiring surgery) so a strain is just an inconvenience.
And thanks! I pretty much just chose close-grip at random to do for this block, but it turns out it works pretty well for me.
Not to be fear mongering or anything but I pulled a couple ribs out once while Z pressing. Thought it was a strain. Similar to your description. A chiropractor put them back, and it took nearly a week to get feeling ok again.
Hopefully not that, but its a simple thing to fix by a DO or chiropractor.
I think I’m gonna give it at least day or two before I see a professional. It doesn’t feel unlike strains I’ve had before, so I don’t think it’s anything out of the ordinary. I appreciate the concern though.
Anyone who’s reading my log is appreciated :] (except for one guy like a year and a half ago, but that was its whole own thing).
To anyone who’s going to click their way into the linked “body fat estimate” thread there, I promise what I said makes way more sense with a few hundred posts of context lmao.