Texish Method: C5W2D3
Bench: 225x5
Press: 160x5/5/5/5/5
Barbell Curls: 105x10, 85x10, 65x11, 45x11 DS
Machine Flies: 185x12+5+3 RP
Incline Walk: 25:00
Texish Method: C5W2D3
Bench: 225x5
Press: 160x5/5/5/5/5
Barbell Curls: 105x10, 85x10, 65x11, 45x11 DS
Machine Flies: 185x12+5+3 RP
Incline Walk: 25:00
Texish Method C5W2D4
Deadlift: 435x5
Squat: 285x3/3/3/3/3
NG Chins: 25x5/5/5/5/5+5 BW
Deads moved easy. Took squats light today, and did a relatively fast circuit with them and chins. I may drop the weigh even further and do the same thing with 5’s or 8’s for a change of pace.
Will be down to my last assignment and one in-person test once this weekend is over. My pre-law advisor said that my personal statement and resume were one of the top two of over 100 he had seen this semester, and I’ve been entrusted with keeping the university’s 5-year streak of Harvard acceptances alive lol.
Texish Method: C5W3D1
Press: 190x4 (PR)
Bench: 205x5/5/5/5/5
Pushdowns: Max x11+5+4
Machine Hammer Curls: 80x10+6+4
Incline Walk: 15:00
I think this fifth cycle of the Texish method is going to be my last - squats and presses have seemingly been taken as far as repeatedly adding five pounds will take them for now. I’m thinking of something along the lines of conjugate (or maybe a Candito template, or maybe a GZCL one… or I can finally do Deep Water, or DC. Lots of options lol) - I’ve spent almost half a year on fives and can probably put up some pretty solid PR singles once I get acclimated to doing them. Will look at some templates/articles while I finish out this cycle and settle on something.
Yeah that was a pretty good run. Good luck on the next phase. Going to be really interesting to follow.
Definitely. I have a bad habit of thinking too much about 1RM numbers during programs not focused on that, but I went from
Press: 170x4 —> 190x4
Bench: 225x3 —> 230x5 (235x5 attempt this week)
Squat: 370x3 —> 375x5 (380x5 attempt this week)
Deadlift: 405x5 —> 445x5 (455x5 attempt this week)
which is some pretty solid progress all around.
nice work
It certainly is. Great job
Texish Method: Anticlimactic Ending
Adductor felt off through warm-ups, so I just worked up to some moderate squatting, messed around on the bench for a bit, did my cardio, and called it a night.
I’m going to take two days for this to clear up, and then start my next program on Thursday. I’m very excited for it, which should make for some good sessions.
Also finished up essay #5 tonight, meaning that I’m down to one more, due a week from today.
Conjugate W1D1 - ME Upper
CG Bench: 3x215, 225, 230, 2x235 PR
DB Bench: 80x8/8/8/8
Chins: +25x6/6/6/6
EZ Curls: 95x12+7+4 RP, Bar xMany
Machine Flies: 190x7, 170x5, 150x5 (Drop Set)
Incline Walk: 15:00
My normal bench grip is max legal (first finger on the rings) and this was first finger on the smooth, so probably like a 6-7” difference. Was able to get surprisingly close to my working weight on bench given this is my first time doing the movement (heavy).
Basic plan with ME is to work in 3-week waves, going to a 2-to-3, 1-to-2, and 1 rep heavy set across the weeks.
Going to try and work up to 100-pound dumbbells by the end of the summer so I can use the heaviest ones at the Y back home.
nice work
Conjugate - W1D2 - DE Lower
Speed Squat: 245x3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3
Speed Deadlift: 315x1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1
Leg Curl Drop Set: 190x7 + 160x5 + 130x8
Decline Sit-Ups: +25x12/12/12
Incline Walk: 15:00
Finished my final essay last night, which turned out well. I have one asynchronous final to take by Monday night, and one in-person one on Friday. Then I can focus entirely on finalizing my law school applications for September (followed by months of neurotic waiting) and working over the summer.
60-75ish second rests for the squats, and 45-60 for the deads, which was more than enough. Direct ab work is something I’ve shied away from for basically as long as I’ve had this log, since it pissed off my back in the aftermath of the surgery I had around that time, but this felt fine and I’ll be able to build on it pretty quickly. Will be neat to see if it has much of an impact on my bracing in big lifts.
Conjugate - W1D3 - DE Upper
Speed Bench: 175x3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3
Press: 135x10/9/7/5
Pull-Ups: 10/9/7/5
Pushdowns Drop Set: 100x7 + 77.5x6 + 62.5x7+5
Seated Slow Hammer Curls: 25x12/10/9
Incline Walk: 15:00
60ish second rest on the bench, which was again more than enough. Also keeping rest pretty short on all the assistance/RE work - just trying to get a decent amount of volume in a pretty short amount of time, hit some cardio, and get out. Great pump from this sort of stuff.
I scored an interview for one of the internships I applied to. If I get it, I’ll be working with the attorneys at a patient-advocacy firm like five minutes from my house. That’ll be a bit of last-minute bolstering for my resume before I send out law school applications.
Starting to get back grades on my essays & finals, and I’ve gotten nothing below a 98 so far. I only have one more this Friday, and then I’m flying back to MD that afternoon. Training-wise, I have ME lower (I’m thinking pin squats this cycle, because I hate them) and upper days on Tuesday and Thursday, which gives me that Friday off.
Conjugate - W1D4 - ME Lower
Pin Squats: 3x295, 3x315, 3x335 (PR)
Power Shrug Drop Set: 9x405, 15x315
Leg Extension: 215x8/8/8/8
Decline Sit-Ups: 35x12/12/12
Incline Walk: 15:00
Copenhagen Planks: 0:30/Side
Adductor pissed off again - going to throw in some Copenhagen planks on my lower days to see if building them up helps at all. I refuse to deign to call if ‘prehab’ though lol. Still managed to work up to a pretty decent weight, but may have shot for 345 under more ideal conditions. Still was able to grind though, which is the point of the ME work.
Every time I reintroduce power shrugs I’m instantly reminded of how much I love them lol.
nice work
Conjugate - W2D1 - ME Upper
CG Bench: 2x230, 2x245 (PR)
DB Bench: 85x8/8/8/8
Chins: +35x5/5/5/5
Rope Cable Curls: 70x8/8/8
Machine Flies: 180x11/7/5
Incline Walk: 15:00
The heaviest I’ve benched with my preferred grip is 255x1, and 245 for a double is a PR regardless of grip. So either I’ve discovered that I should’ve been close-gripping this whole time, or I have a big bench PR waiting when I cycle normal grip back in.
I take it back, give me like six weeks lol
Forgot to mention - had the interview for the internship I mentioned a couple posts back. It was about half an hour, and they got back to me within two hours to let me know that I’m advancing to the next round of interviews, which will be Monday. So if nothing else, the pace they’re processing me at seems to bode well
Nice PR. Good news on the internship. I wish you skill on the next round.
So either I’ve discovered that I should’ve been close-gripping this whole time
Awesome PR dude. I’m curious, did close grip feel better to you when you tried it? You feel like you were able to get more explosion and drive?
It definitely feels much more explosive. My guess is that having my arms/elbows closer in makes everything more tight in the bottom of the rep, so I’m able to get more of a stretch reflex out of it. This is only the second time ever that I’ve done CG bench for anything less than like a set of ten, so I can still improve my technique with it a fair bit. It’d be cool if I can beat my regular bench PR when I hit a single next week.