Brock S.; My HERO!!

(Read the thread “First Date Ideas: Nate Dogg”)
Brock Strasser; if you ain’t “DA MAN” then NOBODY is “DA MAN”! Get this T-Dawgs: Shows up at a first date with a dozen roses AND ASSORTED FIREARMS! By the SECOND date he’s eatin’ strawberries and doing the ole’ Humpty-Dump! Forget Dr. Ruth and Oprah, man! I vote that Brock become the official T-Mag “Love God and Advisor” for all of us who spend one-too-many lonely nights dreaming about how cute TC sorta looked in those Terminator shades…(P.S. Brock; do the Honeys prefer Tech-9’s, Uzzi’s are just any type of small arms will do?)Any body else agree? THEN VOTE FOR “'Da Man” as the “Love Advisor”!!!

I don’t like Tech-9’s or the Cobray M-10’s
as they are “spray and pray” guns and are
not well made.

I prefer the Glock 19 I carry. My wife carries
a little Kel-Tec .32 and we have twin
Bersa .380s too.

I have had a number of "assualt style firearms" and found most to be impractical and just plain junk. Yeah, I keep a shorty Mossberg pumper under the bed that is all black but that is about it.

I have a new threaded barrel for my Glock and am about to order an AWG silencer for it :-)


soz man the brock date idea didn’t work for me, example , i show up at her house all exicteda the idea of getting some and she answers the door i get a peck on the check ad she invites me in , i step through the door way and close it behind me , now this is where it went wrong i figured i would be slightly more creative and lovingly hid a 12 guage shotgun amoungst a dozen red roses so i pull my hand from behind my back where i was hiding them and she is butter in my hand are those for me she exclaims , me yes , her oh there beutiful , so she goes to get them from my hand and i pull back and say nooo wait theres more i shake the roses and they fall to the ground the barrel of my 12 guage shotgun is pumped and i exclaim lets have some funnyhunny in adry raspy voice off all all timesd fora sore throat well as she screams and lets off what seems like a fire hydrants worth of mace in ma face i am trying desperately to explane that it was an idea for a date amounsst the flood of abuse that is strewin my way i eventually manage to get out just into time to walk into her father and brother just back from the local high school football game . But don’t worry t-people i managed to get out alive… well barely !!
thanx brock

plzzzz note this could all be fiction infact it is lmao!!!

Okay, Brock. Give it up, bro. That first date was HER idea, right? If I’d known my vix was into firearms, I’d definitely have gone that route. Her Christmas idea? A mini .38!! Cute thing (the gun). Too small for me, but she likes it. Not a huge gun buff myself, but I enjoy a good afternoon plinking or target shooting. She’s not into the hunting, but I’ll take a good day stalking game over working for a living any day. Unfortunately, once you pull the trigger the fun’s over.

Brock, re. your new Glock barrel - can you use lead, or must you stick with jacketed? Glock factory barrels are strongly recommended for jacketed only. What manufacturer?

Get Cor-Bon ammo for the glock. The 115 gr. hollowpoints hit like a 357 with great stopping power. Personally I like the Glock 23 with 135 grain Cor- Bon, or my own loads. By the way, you can use lead tips, if you clean your weapons after usage.

I much prefer a Benelli underneath the bed. The Italians always design with great aesthetics. Combined with German engineering, it can’t be beat!

(The Lion smells a “thread hi-jack” here!) Okay, okay…I asked for your votes on Brock being the “Love Doctor” NOT the “Gun Doctor!”

(Just kidding…I’m glad you guys responded to the post and that Brock kept a sense of humor about it!)