Anyone want to break down what they eat and when they eat through out the day?
I’m trying to put on some size via a cleaner bulk routine. I’m quickly finding that its very hard for me to get enough calories and force it down with clean foods such as eggs, cottage cheese, lean meats, protein powder and etc.
Currently I am doing the following:
9:30am: 4 whole eggs + 1 cup of oatmeal+ protein powder
12:30am: 2 scoops EAS in 1 cup of milk
1:45: 1lb of chicken with some tortillas and cheese
4:00 2 scoops SWF
4:30-6: Training while sipping on SR
6:30: 2 scoops of EAS in water
7:30: 1lb of red meat or fish with rice
11:00: 2 tablespoons of pb and a bowl of cottage cheese mixed with protein powder
I am currently stand at 5’11 and 175 lbs. Yeah I know, skinny bastard.
I didn’t use the search function mainly because I’ve found it “inefficient” for a lack of a better term. Plus people will adjust their diets and may have added/subtracted certain foods from their diet since then.