Breakdown of Your Day

Anyone want to break down what they eat and when they eat through out the day?

I’m trying to put on some size via a cleaner bulk routine. I’m quickly finding that its very hard for me to get enough calories and force it down with clean foods such as eggs, cottage cheese, lean meats, protein powder and etc.

Currently I am doing the following:

9:30am: 4 whole eggs + 1 cup of oatmeal+ protein powder
12:30am: 2 scoops EAS in 1 cup of milk
1:45: 1lb of chicken with some tortillas and cheese
4:00 2 scoops SWF
4:30-6: Training while sipping on SR
6:30: 2 scoops of EAS in water
7:30: 1lb of red meat or fish with rice
11:00: 2 tablespoons of pb and a bowl of cottage cheese mixed with protein powder

I am currently stand at 5’11 and 175 lbs. Yeah I know, skinny bastard.

I didn’t use the search function mainly because I’ve found it “inefficient” for a lack of a better term. Plus people will adjust their diets and may have added/subtracted certain foods from their diet since then.

I always think these kind of threads are interesting, so I’ll bite.

Meal 1.) 12 eggs with a fistful of cheese, leftover mashed potatoes and carrots.

Meal 2.) 2 tuna melts on wheat and a bowl of tomato-bacon soup.

Meal 3.) A BBQ chicken pizza and a big pork chop.

Meal 4.) 2 chicken breasts, fried rice, broccoli slaw.

That’s it so far today, with the addition of a couple big glasses of milk with each meal. I’ve got a ribeye, sweet potatoes, and green beans for dinner later, then a couple of PB sandwiches and another chicken breast before bed.

On a side note, go to the grocery store the day after Thanksgiving and you can luck out and get turkey for less than a dollar per lb. Throw 20 of those guys in your cart and freeze them when you get home. It might be the cheapest meat you buy that year.

Clean bulk (training day example). This won’t seem like a lot of calories for you big eaters but I just finished a fat loss phase and I’m slowly ramping up the cals.

Breakfast - 1c egg whites/tbsp EVOO, 1c cottage cheese and bannana

Mid-morning - piece of fruit, 3 oz turkey jerky

Lunch - chicken breast, big salad w Almonds, dried fruit, EVOO/balsamic vinegar dressing

Pre-WO - can of tuna, 2 apples

Post-WO - 40g whey/25g simple CHO

Dinner - 8oz ground beef, 1c brown rice (cooked), big salad w Almonds, dried fruit, EVOO/balsamic vinegar dressing

Pre-bed - 1/2c cottage cheese

At the moment mine looks like this:

(roughly 3 hours between each)

Breakfast - 150g oats, 150g berries, 2 apples, 200g chicken breast


Post-workout - 150g oats, 150g berries, 2 apples, 200g chicken breast

Lunch - 150g oats, 150g berries, 2 apples, 200g chicken breast

Linner - 200g chicken breast, nuts.

Dinner - Salmon (200g, I think), nuts, EVOO, spinach, broccoli, cucumber, whatever.

I will often throw in additional pieces of fruit and/or PB&J depending on what kind of day/workout I’m having.

I do sometimes use brown rice, sweet potato or quinoa but using oats has been panning out nicely for me with regard to making ‘lean gains’. I know I’ll likely be told I could/should add in more carbs but I’m happy with this set up right now as it’s working very nicely for me.

This really isn’t set in stone but it’s what I’ve been doing this week - I like to keep it simple and just cook up a couple kilos of chicken breast and a daily batch of oats + fruit that I can just portion out for each meal. Between training and working I don’t get much free time so I don’t like to spend it preparing elaborate meals.

I’m allergic to casein (as far as I’ve concluded) but seem to handle whey ok so I’ve ordered 5lbs from a certain UK supplier and I’ll likely use that a couple of times a day for convenience/space in my stomach.

Oh and fish oil caps spread through the day, naturally.

Man, I’m going to costco and buying a couple of frozen whole pizzas and down those throughout the week. Need me some more calories.

martian how many calories was that in your original diet? Seems fairly hearty.

Breakfast, 7AM: 6 whole eggs (scrambled) with plenty of olive oil on it. 1 banana, half papaya fruit.3 fish oil capsules.

Pre-workout, 10AM: 40 g whey mixed with whole milk, 2 bananas, 3 fish oil capsules.

Post-workout, 1PM: 30 g whey mixed with skim milk, honey, 1 banana

Lunch, 2PM: Half grilled chicken, half water melon, 1 banana, a big handful of rice, 3 fish oil capsules.

Afternnon snack, 4PM: 10 small skewers of grilled pork, 1 mango fruit, 1 banana, 3 fish oil capsules.

Dinner: Half grilled chicken, half water melon, 1 banana, a big handful of rice, 3 fish oil capsules.

Bedtime snack: 40 g whey mixed with whole milk, coconut milk and olive oil, 2 bananas, 3 fish oil capsules.

Keep growing!