This actually has nothing to do with race. From his column in MD, he apparently was fired from his job at CNN this year on his birthday due to being a high level bodybuilder. He is supposedly fighting this decision through a discrimination law suit.
I wonder whey they would do that? Fear of his commitment may distrupt his work performance in terms of training commitments and dieting changes on his mindset? Still firing is such a harsh method to be employed by CNN…
he stepped on stage at under 200…so he could argue no aas, he could be natty “wink, nudge, poke, poke, just sayin”…
either way dude is a beast, fuck CNN, biased ass news, they were pedaling some nonsense about Obama winning the Nobel Price, crazy.
If he was a reporter for them, they probably have every right to fire him for not “fitting their image”.
Not sure what the laws are in the state he was in, but here in NY it’s employment at will, you shit shit and stink up the bathroom they can let you go.
[quote]cyruseven75 wrote:
he stepped on stage at under 200…so he could argue no aas, he could be natty “wink, nudge, poke, poke, just sayin”…
Agreed. While he does get much bigger in the off season, he competes usually at under 200lbs. Regardless of that, if it is now ok for businesses to fire people simply because they are “really big”, then perhaps we should not ignore this circumstance.
[quote]Jim W wrote:
If he was a reporter for them, they probably have every right to fire him for not “fitting their image”.
Not sure what the laws are in the state he was in, but here in NY it’s employment at will, you shit shit and stink up the bathroom they can let you go. [/quote]
He wasn’t a reporter but I believe he had a job related to either following leads or scheduling.
Wow I can not imagine how frustrated and insulted I would be if that happened to me.
Fucking ignorance.
I hate to bring up the “fat people” comments since it is already way overdone around here, but if fat people are protected and can’t be fired for being fat, then large muscular people should have the same sort of protection and also be a protected class. I wonder what the requirements are for being considered “overweight” or whatever the correct term is - if it’s BMI alone then I think he could argue that he is “overweight” and therefore is protected (I think the whole fat people being a protected class is only currently a law in some states and since he worked for CNN I’m guessing he’s in Atlanta, and I’m not sure what the laws are in Georgia).
[quote]waldo21212 wrote:
I hate to bring up the “fat people” comments since it is already way overdone around here, but if fat people are protected and can’t be fired for being fat, then large muscular people should have the same sort of protection and also be a protected class. I wonder what the requirements are for being considered “overweight” or whatever the correct term is - if it’s BMI alone then I think he could argue that he is “overweight” and therefore is protected (I think the whole fat people being a protected class is only currently a law in some states and since he worked for CNN I’m guessing he’s in Atlanta, and I’m not sure what the laws are in Georgia).[/quote]
He was in DC. He is now moving to California considering the only reason he was in DC was for his job at CNN.
Another reason why I think society seems to be going down the shithole. I don’t see any reason for him being fired other than as someone mentioned, if he were a reporter and his appearance did not fit their standards, but he wasn’t.
Who knows, maybe his arms were big enough to make in inefficient at scheduling, but I highly doubt that.
Definitely should be interesting to see how this plays out. I wonder if a judge can actually order him to have a drug test, or if it’s a totally irrelevant point in CNN’s decision to act.
There is probably more to the story. I’m guessing he didn’t fail a drug test because workplaces don’t test for steroids. Maybe his job performance was suffering because of his commitment to lifting and eating. Maybe someone found drugs in an open gym bag/backpack (this actually happened to a guy at my work). I’d hope that CNN wouldn’t be stupid enough to fire someone solely because of how they look.
I guarantee CNN did some research about the potential backlash before firing him and then proceeded in the traditional airtight CYA style. Even though the limited facts appear to point directly to a blatant and overt case of discrimination, I doubt that Branden will have any success in a lawsuit because of CNN’s size and resources.
This bothers me.
[quote]chitown34 wrote:
Maybe someone found drugs in an open gym bag/backpack (this actually happened to a guy at my work)[/quote]
cmon man give they guy more credit than that. He’s not retarded.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
This actually has nothing to do with race. From his column in MD, he apparently was fired from his job at CNN this year on his birthday due to being a high level bodybuilder. He is supposedly fighting this decision through a discrimination law suit.
Outrageous . . . I’m glad he’s fighting it. If the grounds have anything to do with his size, I hope he get’s Rick Collins to represent him.
I hope he gets hired at Fox News! There’s got to be some kind of story about this. He should go to every BB news outlet that will listen and raise hell about this. If it actually was discrimination and not him being shitty at his job, there needs to be some follow up to this shit.
I would start to discuss only when the apparent reason for his lay off becomes evident. Prejudices?
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
How can he fight it, when in the US it is illegal to use PEDs and with the best will in the world, you don’t get to Brandens level of development without them.
Now if he were here in the UK, where PED use is a personal choice, I could understand the descision to fight.
Sorry if this is stupid, I looked it up and couldn’t find anything, but what does PED stand for?
I read this article, thought his interview was great, but didn’t get the “discrimination” reason for firing. It just doesn’t make sense that CNN would fire someone for a reason like that. Now they might have had other reasons and that’s why Ray thinks he got canned. We’ll know the truth soon enough I’m sure
[quote]chimera182 wrote:
bushidobadboy wrote:
How can he fight it, when in the US it is illegal to use PEDs and with the best will in the world, you don’t get to Brandens level of development without them.
Now if he were here in the UK, where PED use is a personal choice, I could understand the descision to fight.
Sorry if this is stupid, I looked it up and couldn’t find anything, but what does PED stand for?[/quote]
Performance Enhancing Drugs im guessing.