[quote]chimera182 wrote:
bushidobadboy wrote:
How can he fight it, when in the US it is illegal to use PEDs and with the best will in the world, you don’t get to Brandens level of development without them.
Now if he were here in the UK, where PED use is a personal choice, I could understand the descision to fight.
Sorry if this is stupid, I looked it up and couldn’t find anything, but what does PED stand for?[/quote]
Just 'cause he says it was discrimination doesn’t make it so. Maybe he was an asshole, or performed poorly at his work, or sexually assualted someone, or there were company wide layoffs, etc… Or, maybe they are discriminating and his obvious steroid use made them uncomfortable due to misinformation and they wanted to get rid of him before he “freaked out” and started hulk-smashing everything. Who knows? As long as he didn’t do anything negative to be let go he’ll get another gig.
[quote]MEYMZ wrote:
chimera182 wrote:
bushidobadboy wrote:
How can he fight it, when in the US it is illegal to use PEDs and with the best will in the world, you don’t get to Brandens level of development without them.
Now if he were here in the UK, where PED use is a personal choice, I could understand the descision to fight.
Sorry if this is stupid, I looked it up and couldn’t find anything, but what does PED stand for?
Performance Enhancing Drugs.[/quote]
Thanks, I should have been able to figure that one out. /hijack.
I’m a Producer, Assignment Editor, and Logistics Coordinator for Cable Network News in Washington D.C.
My job is to pitch story ideas for coverage for example, I was just working on the DC hand gun ban that went to the Supreme Court. I handle logistics for reporter live shots with satellite trucks, live congressional hearings, etc. I also assign and handle the accounting for our camera crews, specifically crews embeded with Senators McCain and Obama during their campaigns.
Doubt if he was truly in the wrong. He would open up to the masses about it. I mean if you fucked up real bad at work. Would you go out in public saying something about it? Hell no. I’d be hush hush and find me another job.
Well if he really is natural he should definitely fight it. If he’s not, I dont know what to say about that. I suppose it would be illegal to just assume he is juicing because of his size and fire him on that basis. But if it is just an assumption and it is correct, whats the legal ramifications?
Good point by Waldo, if you’ve got fat people that are jacking everyone’s insurance up by being so unhealthy, if there is something to get fired for that would be it.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
waldo21212 wrote:
I hate to bring up the “fat people” comments since it is already way overdone around here, but if fat people are protected and can’t be fired for being fat, then large muscular people should have the same sort of protection and also be a protected class. I wonder what the requirements are for being considered “overweight” or whatever the correct term is - if it’s BMI alone then I think he could argue that he is “overweight” and therefore is protected (I think the whole fat people being a protected class is only currently a law in some states and since he worked for CNN I’m guessing he’s in Atlanta, and I’m not sure what the laws are in Georgia).
He was in DC. He is now moving to California considering the only reason he was in DC was for his job at CNN.[/quote]
CA is hire and fire at will, too. But CA is the best state, so I can’t argue with his decision.
If he wants to “fit in,” he should move to L.A. or Miami.
[quote]Shadowzz4 wrote:
Well if he really is natural he should definitely fight it. If he’s not, I dont know what to say about that. I suppose it would be illegal to just assume he is juicing because of his size and fire him on that basis. But if it is just an assumption and it is correct, whats the legal ramifications?
Good point by Waldo, if you’ve got fat people that are jacking everyone’s insurance up by being so unhealthy, if there is something to get fired for that would be it.[/quote]
Guy, unless they have proof of any illegal activity, getting rid of people on the job for being built is complete bullshit. It doesn’t matter how big they are. I’ve said it before that natural HUGE weight lifters in the military often get singled out and tested. I’m bigger than Branden and my size does not hinder my work performance and I seriously doubt eating every 3 hours hurt his either. If this is simply about firing people who have big muscles. then yes, every lifter who actually takes this seriously here needs to be upset about it.
I didn’t read whatever article was talking about him getting fired for discrimination, but I’m sure there is more to it than JUST “oh, they thought I had too much muscle so they fired me.” At my job, they randomly drug test, which can include testing for steroids if they felt like it. If he tested positive (not saying he did, just giving a reason why he might have gotten fired, while claiming it was just from being big), then they are perfectly within their rights to fire him. That to me is bullshit, as I don’t agree with the laws on AAS, but that also would not be getting fired just for being a bodybuilder. Again, not saying him being fired has anything to do with illegal drugs, just giving an example.
I just can’t make any sense out of him supposedly getting fired for being a high level bodybuilder, and would have to see CNN’s reasoning to make any real opinion. It could have been AAS, it could have been him having to take too much time off to compete, it could have been something stupid like eating while not on a lunch break, which some places do have rules against. Maybe he was just an idiot or an asshole and he’s just trying to make or find an excuse for him getting fired. I just don’t buy that it was simply for being a bodybuilder.
[quote]counterfeitsoda wrote:
I didn’t read whatever article was talking about him getting fired for discrimination, but I’m sure there is more to it than JUST “oh, they thought I had too much muscle so they fired me.” At my job, they randomly drug test, which can include testing for steroids if they felt like it. If he tested positive (not saying he did, just giving a reason why he might have gotten fired, while claiming it was just from being big), then they are perfectly within their rights to fire him. That to me is bullshit, as I don’t agree with the laws on AAS, but that also would not be getting fired just for being a bodybuilder. Again, not saying him being fired has anything to do with illegal drugs, just giving an example.
I just can’t make any sense out of him supposedly getting fired for being a high level bodybuilder, and would have to see CNN’s reasoning to make any real opinion. It could have been AAS, it could have been him having to take too much time off to compete, it could have been something stupid like eating while not on a lunch break, which some places do have rules against. Maybe he was just an idiot or an asshole and he’s just trying to make or find an excuse for him getting fired. I just don’t buy that it was simply for being a bodybuilder.[/quote]
He has worked there for several years so if this was due to some attitude problem, I seriously doubt they let it slide for 5 years or so before doing something about it…but yes, until all facts are known, we can’t make a final judgment.
Unless in a said contract…employers USUALLY have the right to fire you for whatever the hell they want to…so…he better be Natty…if not CNN had to fire em. I don’t agree with it…but thats the buisness. The dudes all up in the media…Everyones prolly saying what we’re wondering…DUDES ON GEAR… He should get a drug test…if he passes then CNN owes him damages and a job if he fails…well that violates the illegal drug use policy…cause Steroids are STILL ILLEGAL DRUGS. No One but US are going to argue that his job should still be kept whilst knowingly using Illegal DRUGS.
[quote]FrozenNinja wrote:
Unless in a said contract…employers USUALLY have the right to fire you for whatever the hell they want to…so…he better be Natty…if not CNN had to fire em. I don’t agree with it…but thats the buisness. The dudes all up in the media…Everyones prolly saying what we’re wondering…DUDES ON GEAR… He should get a drug test…if he passes then CNN owes him damages and a job if he fails…well that violates the illegal drug use policy…cause Steroids are STILL ILLEGAL DRUGS. No One but US are going to argue that his job should still be kept whilst knowingly using Illegal DRUGS.[/quote]
Poor logic. Unless it is now mandatory that everyone over 200lbs and muscular at a certain height now needs to be drug tested, assuming someone is using something illegally and firing them based on this assumption does not need a drug test to be proven a poor choice. You are right though that many jobs have some sort of clause in the contract about being able to terminate whenever for whatever reason.
In case you didn’t know, most people think ANYONE with any size on them at all is on steroids.
[quote]Professor X wrote:
He has worked there for several years so if this was due to some attitude problem, I seriously doubt they let it slide for 5 years or so before doing something about it…but yes, until all facts are known, we can’t make a final judgment.[/quote]
I mostly agree (although it has taken them years to fire many people with attitude problems where I work), although at the same time, he’s been a bodybuilder for years as well, and they just decided to fire him now because of it?