[quote]Hanley wrote:
tedro wrote:
Hanley wrote:
Tedro, rip me apart Box Squats PR's - YouTube
First, you are not pausing at all. One of the major benefits of the box squat is that it kills your momentum and diminishes the stretch reflex, teaching you to explode out of the hole. You don’t need to pause for long, but just a split second goes a long ways.
Second, it looks like you are initiating the movement by bending your knees. Your hips should be the first thing to move on the descent. This will help you sit back further, and force you to use more of your glutes and hamstrings. You will also be less likely to rock backwards upon hitting the box. At first I thought this may just be due to fatigue, but then I watched some of your free squat videos and noticed that you tend to bend your hips and knees at the same time.
Third, you are still rocking quite a bit. On your way back up, your first movement is forward. The goal of a squat is to move the weight up, and to do this you need to force the bar back. You don’t rock forward in your free squat, so why would you rock forward off of the box? You are putting yourself into a different groove by doing this, and this could lead to falling forward in your free squat. It also diminishes the carryover since the movement is slightly different.
Part of the reason you rock forward is simply because you are lifting at or near your max weights. It is very unlikely that you will be able to completely get rid of the forward rocking motion. Make sure, however, when the weights are lighter that you don’t rock at all. As the weights get heavier, make sure to push back against the bar as you initiate the concentric portion of the lift. Again, you probably won’t be able to eliminate the forward rocking, but you should be able to reduce it quite a bit.
To sum up: Sit back, pause, and force that bar back. Then read Dave Tate’s article:
Wow. I didn’t mean literally tear me apart
I thought I was pausing for long enough… Maybe not! I was looking at this vid of Chuck V (and alos his XXX vid) and he doesn’t seem to pause for that long either? chuck vogelpohl the legend - YouTube
I don’t know how much value there is to sitting wayyyyy back as a raw/single ply lifter. There just isn’t as much support there to sit back into as the multi ply guys have. Also, it’s been my exp. that with a relatively close/medium stance, sitting back too much creates either too much foward lean, or a bar that’s gonna pull you backwards arse over tit because your COG is fucked up!! Hence the hip/knee break at the same time. I was trying to keep the box squat form at least similar to how I’d do it in gear or raw like…
On moving the bar back, if you look at where it is relative to my feet when I’m on the box, it’s exactly over or a little bit behind them, surely trying to move the bar back would result in me falling backwards?? Maybe it’s a result of me ending up in a bad position on the box, perhaps with more of a forward lean when I touch down this problem would be alleviated?
I’m not touching box squats other than on DE day for the next 5 or 6 weeks so hopefully it’ll give me a chance to play around and try to implement your suggetions. Nice one![/quote]
that is a good question, not sure the box squat technique used by the multiply feds is going to give much carryover to a single ply IPF lifter.
even if you do not lift APF, some wide higher box squats can still have value in training. i have been doing mostly heavy deep raw front squats and high rep deep olympic style back squats, but just yesterday i worked up to 500x3 RAW off a “high” box squat with a stupid-wide stance. reasoning was it gave me some time under a decently loaded barbell and worked my hips quite a bit, and gave my low back and quads a much needed break.