Box Squat Carry-Over?

im wondering what the carry-over for most people is when box squatting to free squatting. I box squatted 300, but ive never actually squatted that much. Should i be able to squat more than i can box squat? I realize this may be a dumb question, but it just feels like I can box squat more than normal free squatting.

Are you box squatting properly (i.e. eliminate momentum at the bottom of the lift, then rely on explosiveness for the concentric)? What is the height of the box you are using?

that’ll depend on a bunch of things. Typically, the answer is yes - you should be able to squat more than you box squat down to the same depth.
Sitting down on a box and pausing the lift eliminates the stretch reflex; by sitting down on the box you’re relaxing and letting the box hold the weight. It’s usually more difficult to get out of the hole this way.

However, everybody’s different here, and this doesn’t necessarily apply for some people.
Why not put your box squat weight on the bar and do a free squat with it? easiest way to find out.

my squat max is 335, but 2 months ago i box squatted 335x3 on a parallel box, could probably do 355 for a single now

There is no way to answer this. You can free squat as much as you can free squat and you can box squat as much as you can box squat.

Your squat form for the Free Squat and the Box Squat, the height of the box, and where your strengths and weaknesses lie are what dictate the difference between your Box Squat and your Free Squat.

Some people’s Box Squat is the exact same as their free squat. Some people’s box squat is weaker than their free squat.

But if your Box Squat is more than your Free Squat, then you need to do more Free Squats.

I can box squat more than I squat - I’m pretty sure it’s for no other reason than I have something to catch me if my knees give way at parallel (which they have done in the past!) so that bit of psychological support help me go a bit further than I would do in a free squat. However knowing this I’ve now given up box squating!

i can box squat more than i squat i used to do 365 box and 315 free

I don’t box squat. I normally do ATG front or back squats with a fairly narrow stance.

I’m considering adding in some hip assistance work to help my starting strength in the deadlift. I’ve had box squats recommended a few times

what stance and type of box squat would be recommended to help me with that first few inches of my deadlift pull? If anything. I was thinking either this or DE sumo pulls.

thanks for input!

[quote]actionjeff wrote:
I don’t box squat. I normally do ATG front or back squats with a fairly narrow stance.

I’m considering adding in some hip assistance work to help my starting strength in the deadlift. I’ve had box squats recommended a few times

what stance and type of box squat would be recommended to help me with that first few inches of my deadlift pull? If anything. I was thinking either this or DE sumo pulls.

thanks for input![/quote]

Wide stance (wider than shoulder width) box squatting has helped me off the floor. So much so that now my lower back is the weak link. I’m a conventional puller BTW. I do the DE sumo pulls as well as my second movement. Wide stance will really get you using the hips.

how wide is this, like sumo stance wide? and is this best performed in chucks and westside style or is there some other intermediate recommendation? With the focus being strength off floor and past mid-shin in deadlift.

thanks for the response

[quote]Seinix wrote:
Are you box squatting properly (i.e. eliminate momentum at the bottom of the lift, then rely on explosiveness for the concentric)? [/quote]

There are today a myriad of “correct” ways to box squat.

However from the master

“the true secret of increasing bench squat poundage…is a certain rocking-forward motion at the instant of starting up” - Muscle Builder (sigh) April 1972.

these so called bench squats were done on a 20" high box or a 14" low box.

Author George Frenn (held 242 record for over 10 years and was not broken until super suits and super wraps had been round for 5 years.)

He was not about eliminating momentum, but about using it effectively.

I have used this method, but to each their own.