How much should you be able to box squat 1RM relative to your max squat?
its different for every person. Just find where yours is and it shouldnt change. You will know after that. There is about a 75 lb difference for me.
is that comparing raw to raw, or raw to equipped?
yeah, louie simmons states that a 50 lb. carryover is a realistic estimate for most. but i like goldberg’s number better…wish mine was that much more.
My raw squat is about 30lbs. more than my parallel box squat.
my full suited squat is about 75 lbs more than my half suited box max. I dont train raw. Do football players hit without helmets and pads on?
well i do train max effort day somewhat raw. only a belt. but dynamic day is always with suit bottoms or briefs on.
Im not harrassing you goldberg, I just remember your ME box squat with 600, I still have the video I think (no, im not jeff, im not stalking you )
and you were wearing the suit down, so its hard to know exactly what the 75lb was adding onto,
Im going off of my box max with straps down to full meet squat. It will probably be more when i switch to double ply gear. Im still using single ply right now. hehe.
Currently my raw squat is below my raw box, but thats probably because of practice and not getting the raw squat on a good day.
I need some equipment.
Im a pretty good natural squatter as far as form goes so the trasfer is never a problem for me.
Maybe i am a little strange, but my best box squat was 700lbs. and my best competition squat was 800lbs. which was done two weeks later. Both were done in full gear (hardcore suit, redline wraps, HD breifs, belt) So i guess i have a good carryover, but i think alot has to do with the fact that i train in a power rack and have to walk the weights out as opposed to a meet where i am in a monolift.
OGuard, you have to perfect the technique of arching the weights out of the power rack. Its much like the monolift. If you need a video of it, hit me up on pm and i can send it to you over instant messenger.
I htink my main problem with technique is that I have been altering mine to get wider, which means I am out of my natural groove somewhat, and into one that would probably suit me more with gear on.
"Do football players hit without helmets and pads on? "
Everywhere but america they do…
Thats quite a joke, soccer is called football overseas and there is not much hitting at all in that.
Where else besides America do they play football?
Rugby Football they didnt used to wear pads (alto small foam ones have made an appearance)