[quote]ds1973 wrote:
LOL. Do you ever sleep more than 6 hours? You’ll be fine. Just eat big before and after.[/quote]
Uhh… you’re going to expend a lot more calories awake and at work than you are asleep in bed. Shakes and bars are definitely the way to go here.[/quote]
yeah, that’s why I told him to eat big before and after. Come on, 6 hours without eating is nothing. You people act like you need to eat every 3 hours or your muscles will waste away.
[quote]ds1973 wrote:
LOL. Do you ever sleep more than 6 hours? You’ll be fine. Just eat big before and after.[/quote]
Uhh… you’re going to expend a lot more calories awake and at work than you are asleep in bed. Shakes and bars are definitely the way to go here.[/quote]
yeah, that’s why I told him to eat big before and after. Come on, 6 hours without eating is nothing. You people act like you need to eat every 3 hours or your muscles will waste away. [/quote]
Agreed. I am at work all day and if I eat in the morning, even though I eat one solid meal at work, that means I am waiting about 5 hours between meals.
This has not hurt me and the results of doing this are already posted.
Make sure your diet is right before and after…and just enjoy the experience.
I used to sleep during the day…which was a hassle considering I was living at home during summers while in school while working that job.
I would sleep until around 2pm, wake up, go lift, eat, screw around and then get back to it from 10pm to 7am.
You say you may be able to sneak in a shake during your work?
There was a thread right here in the nutrition forum around 6 weeks ago I think?? One guy had this recipe for something like a 3000 calorie shake if memory serves me right. Look into that.
When I was bouncing the other bouncer worked at KFC till close before coming in so we had fried chicken leftovers in the back. Never had to worry about losing muscle at work. shakes aren’t a bad idea if you can’t eat enough during the day though.