Bodyfat% measurement

I work in metrology, so figure that I can get some reasonable results from an inexpensive set of calipers that I will calibrate. I did a search for skin fold tests but have been unable (read impatient) to find the 7 point test. I design testing protocols for a living and would appreciate any and all skin fold testing methods to do a comparison.
While searching I came across this info that may be of interest

NIST found that impedance measurements made by six different commercial instruments varied by as much as 40% from the actual impedance of a known standard.

The testing protocol for body fat for the Assessment cert. that I have (Certified Fitness Consultant) is from the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiologists. It’s a five sight and is standardized for across Canada so the landmarking/site measurement is pretty stringent. However its healthbased so there’s no umbillicus measurement and the cliper test is used in conjunction with height/weight/anthro. I think the test is on the website

I checked their site, but have been unable to find it…any ideas?

I don’t have any ideas. You could order the Canadian Physical Activity Fitness and Lifestyle Appraisal Text but that’ll set you back 80$ Canadian. I’d fax the stuff to you but how am i going to get the number? Can you Post it?
One thing that comes to mind is a website called I know they’ve got a 5 site test and a 7 site test, but i’m not sure if the protocols there. It should be.

Thanx BigRob, I’m sure that would have a copywrite and I wouldn’t want to pirate someone’s work… I have found a couple of sites and will check on your suggestion.
Appreciate your help.

Everything you need is at, including a handy Excel spreadsheet with the 8 formulas discussed pre-programmed for you.

Thanx guys
Either of you ever need a kidney, let me know.