Who is everyone’s favourite modern day bodybuilder everyone I know says Markus Ruhl or Ronnie Coleman, I was wondering if anyone still likes the smaller guys like Shawn Ray or Kevin Levrone?
Richard “Tricky” Jackson - all natural, former Mr. Universe, member of Team Universe. I met him at a natural bodybuilding competition he guest posed for- very nice guy. Also, he looked a heck of a lot better than the pimply, water bags (IFBB Pro’s) I have seen guest pose at some shows.
I don’t really care much about what other guys look like… but I do respect them for what they do, and how much hard work they put into it. But the best overall look would be Bill davey. He is well proportioned and he’s all natural too.
Pro bodybuilding died when Arnold retired. Right now, I’m my favorite bodybuilder!!
Favorite complete loser=Greg Valentino
Favorite symmetry/posing=Milos sarcev
most ripped- roland Cziurlik (ok im probably alone on this one, but I saw him in a most muscular once and I have never seen anyone more ripped than he was, and I spelled his last name wrong)
Most massive- Ruhl- even though I think he is overall ugly, physique and otherwise
Best voice- Coleman
favorite gut- Kovacs
Favorite overall- Cutler- he deserves a lot of credit for placing second at the olympia- and who else is gonna represent blonde white guys
Flex Wheeler, I believe is under-rated. He should have won an Olympia. He is not overly (is that a word?) massive and has great symmetry and an overall look. He has round delts, round biceps, … he looks good. He should have won at least once. Hey Flex, if I were a judge you would have it buddy. For all-time, I would sell out with Arnold. He built his muscularity without “excessive” steroids and looked really good.
Contemporary bodybuilders, I would say Shawn Ray and Flex Wheeler. I think the all time greatest physiques belong to Robby Robinson, Franco Columbu, and Arnold.
I kinda liked Micheal Francios, what ever happened to him?
I don’t follow the bodybuilder scene like some others, but since I started working at a MuscleMag I’ve taken more of an interest.
I like Arnold because of what he did for the sport, and to me he is still the primest example of bodybuilding perfection. I’ve seen Ronnie Coleman’s Unbelievable video, and while I think he is far too large to be esthetically appealing, I have a great deal of respect for the man, his attitude and his work ethic. It was the only video I’ve ever watched that I actually enjoyed.
I think I fall into the category of some of the others on here when I say I don’t really look up to bodybuilders for inspiration. What inspires me at my gym more than anything are the women who have had children and now have bodies to die for, what an incredible commitment that must have taken. Or the person with a debilitating injury that refuses to give up. Those are the people that inspire me and push me forward. Seeing the odds they’ve overcome really puts things in perspective for me.
Dave Draper and myself.
Mike Francois did an excessive amount of steroids and diuretics and had to retire.