Bodybuilders Don't Get Laid

Ladies Prefer Thin Over Macho, Study Suggests

Macho features have long been touted as an evolutionary asset that heterosexual women look for in a potential mate. But new research suggests weight may be a more powerful driver of attraction.

Macho features such as a strong jaw and squinty eyes advertise that a guy possesses high testosterone, according to the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis. Since high levels of this masculinizing hormone interfere with the immune system, the theory goes, macho men must be extra-fit to withstand the handicap their extra testosterone confers.

However, a new study finds that while women do respond more favorably to the faces and bodies of men with strong immune responses, they seem to cue into fatness and thinness, not macho features, when making their judgments.

Macho features have long been touted as an evolutionary asset that heterosexual women look for in a potential mate. But new research suggests weight may be a more powerful driver of attraction.

Macho features such as a strong jaw and squinty eyes advertise that a guy possesses high testosterone, according to the immunocompetence handicap hypothesis. Since high levels of this masculinizing hormone interfere with the immune system, the theory goes, macho men must be extra-fit to withstand the handicap their extra testosterone confers.

However, a new study finds that while women do respond more favorably to the faces and bodies of men with strong immune responses, they seem to cue into fatness and thinness, not macho features, when making their judgments.

Fatness, or adiposity, “is an obvious choice for a marker of immunity because of its strong association with health and immunity,” study researcher Vinet Coetzee, a postdoctoral scientist at the University of Pretoria in South Africa, told LiveScience.

I read the whole article.

It said men with abs are more attractive and abs are better signal for high test than a macho face.

patently false

Macho bodybuilders are hooking up at the YMCA.

[quote]aeyogi wrote:
Macho bodybuilders are hooking up at the YMCA.[/quote]

o rly?

They might like that for cohabitation, but when they ovulate and are craving the gooch-hammer, they go for the more masculine.

Real life experience tells me the data is incorrect; i.e. Bullshit.

What they did was take pictures of a bunch of guys in their underwear and showed them to the girls and asked: attractive or not attractive. The women were in the fertile phase of their menstrual cycle. They were also eastern European women.

If this was a real life experiment i.e. real boys and real girls interacting, I’d bet looks would come in second place to confidence with muscles a distant third… i.e. a picture is not representative of reality.

Come on, we really know what women are looking for in a man…

Now to make sense of this study we need another study asap of whether thinner men make more money than more “macho” men.

[quote]thethirdruffian wrote:
I read the whole article.

It said men with abs are more attractive and abs are better signal for high test than a macho face.

It also mentioned that facial indication of ‘fatness’ played a large role, so basically a muscular and lean dude with a square, sunken in jaw, still makes panties drop. Shock and awe ensue.

“macho”?? When was this study done? 1981?

[quote]Nards wrote:
“macho”?? When was this study done? 1981?[/quote]

here is proof the study is flawed using only a sample size of 1.

[quote]sufiandy wrote:

[quote]Nards wrote:
“macho”?? When was this study done? 1981?[/quote]

here is proof the study is flawed using only a sample size of 1.[/quote]

That’s actually a pretty big sample.

[quote]strungoutboy21 wrote:
Come on, we really know what women are looking for in a man…[/quote]

Number of zeros in his account balance?


[quote]sufiandy wrote:

[quote]Nards wrote:
“macho”?? When was this study done? 1981?[/quote]

here is proof the study is flawed using only a sample size of 1.[/quote]

Is that TLC plus some random white girl?

[quote]SkyzykS wrote:
They might like that for cohabitation, but when they ovulate and are craving the gooch-hammer, they go for the more masculine.

I was just going to post this. Maybe would’ve said meat-whip instead of gooch-hammer, but the gist was the same. They’ve done studies on that, too.

[quote]tsantos wrote:

[quote]strungoutboy21 wrote:
Come on, we really know what women are looking for in a man…[/quote]

Number of zeros in his account balance?


It’s the truth, why run from it?

I don’t know. From what I have seen at Bodybuilder shows is men standing around staring at and admiring men in their underwear. Men’s magazines have these steroid freaks who are soon to die early from heart failure, steroids dirty little secret. The Ambulance Chasers have taken to fishing for Testosterone Lawsuits to this end. Women’s magazines are more likely to prefer lean athletic types. Madison Avenue knows all.

While I do find the idea that women know what they want and are able to articulate it somewhat amusing, this study is pointless.

Lets say women, as a rule, wont like bodybuilders.


Yeah, but some will like them.

A lot.

You dont want to be the “me too” product that does not offend, you want to be the "in your face " product that polarizes.

Yeah, a lot of women will reject you (which is what would have happened anyway) but some will go gaga for your USP.

Dont try to please them all, get your 5-10% and the rest can be all butthurt, why would anyone care.