60lbs to squat in 21 days, 50lbs on bench…Lee Hayward made this program i gotta say it look really cool. I was wondering if anyone has baught it and tried it.
I’m pretty sure they don’t have any spectacular training “secrets” that we’ve ALL somehow missed.
I could be wrong though.
The claims on there seem pretty crazy…I don’t know…
i still would like to increase my squat, not really interested in the bench as muc has i am in the squat.
Lighten your wallet in one easy step.
haha looks like bs to me.
I got e-mails from his site and his “tips” are(not word for word,but basic idea):
For bigger arms throw in 3-4 sets of direct arm work
For bigger chest use a woder grip
blah blah blah
I call bs based on my emails.
why would you pay for a program when you’re on a website that shows you how to achieve virtually any goal? I’ll save you a lot of money…get on a clean bulk program and work on sticking points.
For bench:
Triceps. Board press/Floor press/close grip bench
Chest. Guillotine press (get a spotter…I’m very anti-smith machines). Decline Flies.
In normal Bench Press go halfway up, halfway down, all the way up, all the way down. Count that as 1 rep.
Anterior Deltoid. Getting worked with overhead presses and bench anyway. I personally don’t think direct work is needed.
For Squat:
20-rep squats
Heavy walkouts are always a nice shocker for your CNS.
Squats with chains.
Quads. Hack squats. (This has never been a sticking point for me…I admit to performing non-ATG squats in the past).
Core. You should have a strong one already from military press and deadlifts…and squats really.
Hamstrings/Glutes. ATG squats. Romanian D/L. Lunges/Step-ups. Run from the police.
In closing, I hate bench press. For once I’d like a girl to ask me “How much do you deadlift?” I’ll marry her on the spot.
[quote]Scott aka Rice wrote:
In closing, I hate bench press. For once I’d like a girl to ask me “How much do you deadlift?” I’ll marry her on the spot.[/quote]
The other day I was telling my wife about a session in the gym where I set a new 3 rep deadlift PR. I think that she nearly had an orgasm on the spot.