I can barely put into words how awesome this movie looks:
Michael Jai White looks nothing like he normally would (although the karate kicks are tremendous).
I can barely put into words how awesome this movie looks:
Michael Jai White looks nothing like he normally would (although the karate kicks are tremendous).
I haven’t been so confused about how to feel about something in a long time.
Wow that looks sweet. When is it supposed to come out?
[quote]Kuz wrote:
I can barely put into words how awesome this movie looks:
Michael Jai White looks nothing like he normally would (although the karate kicks are tremendous).[/quote]
It looks like Quentin Tarantino started something with Death Proof and Planet Terror.
How people accept this movie is going to be interesting to watch.
I can’t wait to see that. “Quite, you gon’ wake up the rest of the bitches” lulz.
Black Dynamite?
Is that some fancy new kind of reefer that the kids are smoking these days?
Does anyone else besides me think that will be the BEST. MOVIE. EVER!
[quote]Kuz wrote:
I can barely put into words how awesome this movie looks:
Michael Jai White looks nothing like he normally would (although the karate kicks are tremendous).[/quote]
awesome. “rated ar-rah” amazing physique.
[quote]Artem wrote:
Black Dynamite?
Is that some fancy new kind of reefer that the kids are smoking these days?[/quote]
[quote]Professor X wrote:
It looks like Quentin Tarantino started something with Death Proof and Planet Terror.
How people accept this movie is going to be interesting to watch.[/quote]
Wondered that too. Some will get their panties in a bunch, but hopefully, people will see it for the tongue-in-cheek and ass-kicking type of flick it is. I get tired of people trying to read so much into stuff that is often just meant to be entertaining.
Oh and Michael Jai White looks more jacked than I’ve ever seen him before (and he was yoked to begin with).
Not to be mean, but as I watched this… I thought Michael Jai White was portraying a 1970’s version of Professor X.
Anyway, this shit will be amazing.
I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited for a movie. My mouth was open the whole time. How could this not be the best thing ever!?!?!
“You jive mutha fucka!!!”
the best is the one where he meets a young barack obama
The website has some nice music.
i’d shell out 9 bucks for that real quick