Bit The Bullet, Joined a Gym

Hey guys,

i finally joined a gym and it’s my induction tonight.

really nervous as i am sure i will look stupid, but it will be worth it right?

a question - if you saw a guy wandering sheepishly round for a bit then coming over to ask advice, would you help?
or just answer then move away?
what would you do?


Yea sure. You’d be surprised by how many people are willing to give advice and help out. I’ve had beginners come up to me and ask me what muscle the bench press works. Its no big deal. Everybody started out a beginner.

Even some of those big, strong, scary looking guys with the heavy weight in their hands will probably be more than willing to help you. After a few weeks you’ll learn the ropes. Don’t worry about it.

As long as you don’t interupt a set or become a complete pain in the ass most seasoned lifters will be more than happy to give you advice.

Definitely, where I go the bigger guy jump at a chance to help a new guy out.

Where about is your gym?

I would help. I want to help the clueless without being asked, but I refrain.

[quote]kroby wrote:
I would help. I want to help the clueless without being asked, but I refrain.[/quote]

Most people are willing to help. At least in my experience, the biggest most intimidating looking guys are usually very nice and helpful (exceptions of course). And who cares about looking stupid…get in there and bust your ass. You will feel out of place for a couple days…after that it will start to feel like a second home.

well, i’m back.

i can only say, sweet lord jesus christ what have i been missing.

the equipment, while not the newest, was the best i have seen.

went to the free weights room and found 4 people. 3 brick shit house polish guys and a asian guy. i walked in and earned a sneer from one of the poles, the other however greeted me and welcomed me. the asian guy smiled at me.

have now been inducted and know how to use machines well, so i better get started on a decent plan!

see ya!


I would definitely help someone if they walked up to me. I have done some unusual exercises in the past and have helped people understand them when they came up to me and were curious. Key thing is to stay OPEN-MINDED and when you ask someone to show you a new technique or form, don’t say “Yea I knew that. Thanks anyways.”

For example, I asked a big guy last week to show me an unusual exercise he was doing and he gladly spent a few minutes with me showing the correct form and all. Just be appreciative of the fact that they are taking personal time to show you something, and show that.

I got a few Polish guys at my gym too (I’m Polish, born in SA), and they are the bigger and friendlier guys there.

You can learn a LOT from the way these East Europeans train and approach their workouts, so don’t be afraid to ask them for help.