Bit of History & Some Questions

hello to all the wonderful people here
i thought it might help to start from scratch rather than just log in and ask questions right away…

well i’ve been going to the gym for about 2 yrs now and its only in the last 6-7 months that i started doing it with intensity and dedication. it has deifnatley helped…i’ve noticed (more imptly people have noticed) that i am getting bigger. i’ve had a few programs along the way and for the last 2 months have been doing a very simple program. its a two day workout, one day full body weights the next day cardio followed by a rest day and then start over again on the 4th day with weights etc…

the programs is very simple, 6 excersises all super setted so there is total of 3 groups(excuse the pigeon english)anyways i do this program on the hiit guidelines which is no rest between the 2 excersizes a minutes rest between each group. i enjoy this its fun i’m done in about 45 minutes and im totally wasted.

i havent sorted out my diet yet, until recently i wasnt eating breakfast. but i avg about 5 meals a day…i eat pretty much everything at all times a day have to work on spacing them out evenly. most of what i eat is 97% fat free stuff like shaved chicken slices or ham etc plus heaps of mixed nuts, veggies( just carrots so far) lotsa fruits…

work is pretty much my no1 priority and the last 2 weeks has been taking the better part of my day so i havent been goin to the gym as much as i intend to do as a result of which i was getting very frustrated…so if i coudnt make it to the gym i decidedd to bring the gym to me and i invested in a cpl of dumbbell and a swiss ball. constrained for space where i am staying and these fit in quite nicely.

i’d be grateful if somebody could asssit me with a simple program for the entire body with what i have(a pair od dumbells and a swiss ball) itd be nice if somebody could write down about 5-6 excersises i could do which would cover the entire body or even ppoint me to a link from where i could initiate something.

oh before i forget i am 26 i weigh 79 kgs and am about 5.10…i’d like to get to about 85 by the end of the yr but more impt i’d like to lose a lot of body fat…if my body fat is at about 25% would it be possible to bring it down to under 10% by the yrs end?

i’m going to end this here it has gotten fairly big and your probably aldready abusing me at this stage. if somebodys keen on knowing a bit more about my meal plan and my workout plan say so…i’d be much oblidged to get some suggestion and useful criticism…

I would say at this point your best bet in losing weight is to get your diet solid. There are plenty of plans here to check out.

As to training, with limited space I would utilize a complex (great for fat loss as well). Waterbury’s blood on the barbell complex using dumbbells is fantastic and will kick your butt:

You could also do a Tabata workout using the dumbbells for thrusters.

Your goals are more than achievable if you work hard and don’t loose focus. Again get your diet right. I won’t make any recommendations to you since I have no idea as to your body type and exactly what you want, however there are so many different and fantastic plans. Just read and see what appeals/works for you.

Best of luck!

hey thatnks for that gone
i was looking for something like the waterburys dumbell workout, that should keep me going for awhile…i’ll post my progress as i go along