i just did a price comparison with the australian vital greens product. now i dont know how much shipping is. But with the current exchange rate the Biotest product is a tad cheaper per serve. Id say its a competitive price with our own products (and better). Im buying some when i get paid.
You had better get paid fast, because they are selling like crazy.
It’s hard to tell how much longer the current supply will last.
[quote]TC wrote:
bobo86 wrote:
I’m going to wait for some good testimonies before I try it out.
Ron Paul wouldn’t wait.
Which is probably why he ended up with an anonymous stuffer writing racist rants in the Ron Paul Newsletter for several years. Vetting new things has advantages.
I think it will be a great product, i ordered 3 bottles, i am going to give it a try before i decide if its worth to keep using. I really dont like a lot of veggies so i think it will be a great add on to my program.
I like the idea of introducing the Superfood to your product menu. I have been an avid reader of testosterone.net and user of the Biotest products since the '90’s (remember the orig MD6 w/ ephedra, T2, androsol? I miss those supps). By far some of the best fitness supplements ever.
I used to do natural/drug-free bodybuilding and fitness modeling and I used the Biotest products as the mainstay of my supplementation as well as using holistic herbs and supplements to keep my immune system at peak levels. I have learned so much from testosterone.net and continue to do so even though my fitness goals these days have dramatically changed (kettlebells, martial arts, tai chi, HIIT, etc) from the bodybuilding/fitness modeling days.
Having said all that I do have some questions and concerns regarding the Superfood supplement. I would like to know the source of the fruits, vegetables and antioxidants to understand if they are organic or not.
If you are not in the know, eating fruits and vegetables from the grocery store (non-organic) means that you are also ingesting pesticides, insecticides and other toxic additives and chemicals that the fruits & veggies are grown in and added to. So your body/liver has to work hard and try to detox these toxins. So eating fresh fruit and vegetables daily, I guess is better then not however keep in mind, that the beneficial antioxidants and nutrients in these non-organic fruits and vegetables are compromised largely due to the pesticides, etc.
So I’ll ask, are the fruits, vegetables and other nutrients in the Superfood organic or not? Very important thing to consider and not to be taken lightly. To me, it is just like buying and taking synthetic vitamins versus from whole food sources, it is not the same and just like anyhting that is synthetic, there are usually side effects that accompany taking them.
I do think they said in the article that these were all organic grown fruits and veggies.
I do think they said in the article that these were all organic grown fruits and veggies. from
I stand corrected. Thanks BradyZ, you are absolutely correct. It does say that in the article. Forgive me for overlooking. Biotest/Testosterone please disregard my post in regards to the sources being organic or not. I look forward to ordering and trying and hopefully, I can substitute this one for the superfood that I am taking now as Biotest over the years have been consistent with quality products.
Since you folks have a penchant for releasing new products in bunches, what else are we in store for? I just placed 2 orders this weekend(About 450 dollars worth of assorted goodies) as I am training for a Powerlifting meet in early April (And I have occasional Vapor-Lock, hence two seperate orders)
Anything else coming soon?
Woohoo! I received the shipping notice from FedEx today, and with Biotest’s speedy services, I should have the goods in my hands on Wednesday. Will report back as soon as it’s sampled.
Just got mine five minutes ago!!!
Fixed me up a small glass with two scoops (5 grams) and started drinking it. The taste is…okay. Sure, it’s not like liquid Snickers, but thats not what I was wanting anyways.
In the article about the Superfood, TC mentioned it tasted like tea, which is pretty accurate. It is slightly bitter, but definitely swallowable.Has an interesting smell to it as well, aka. a good smell.
So, in short, it smells fine, and tastes like slightly bitter tea.
I mixed it with my morning whey shake (16 oz skim, 3 scoops, 2 packets of splenda). It tasted great, with no after taste or bitterness.
Another home run for Biotest. Now, if you could just bring back the peanut butter Metabolic Drive bars, I would probably make the top 200 by the end of the year.
Its an impressive product, its got a very good neutral taste to it.
To me It feels more Like an Antioxidant product , than a total greens product. I think the quality is great.
I feel a bit of difference using Perfect Food greens vs this, I think the two together would be the ultimate super food.
Since I am not a fan of vegetables but, do like fruit I ordered and received two tubs of Superfood. The tub is 3-1/2 inches in diameter and 3-1/4 inches high and comes with a 7.5cc scoop (a good tsp full). Again, since I do not eat many vegetables I can not really describe the taste of the product in order to make a comparison to any vegetable but, for me the taste is was horrible.
In addition, it did not mix too well with my Protein shake (with milk) in a blender, much of the product stuck to the bottom of the blender. Although it does mix well with my Pre-Workout drink (Smash) or V-8 juice. My wife tried mixing a scoop with a tablespoon of hot water then the remainder of 16 oz. of cold water which seemed to work well.
I have only been taking the product four days now but, I hope it stands up to all the hype and I’m sure I’ll get used to the taste.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
I added 2 scoops to my peri-workout drink (60% organinc apple jiuce, 40% water, 5g creatine, 5g BCAA, 25g protein).
It made it look a horrible colour, but the taste was actually OK.
Put it this way, I normally don’t finish the whole drink by the end of the training session, but last night I did, so the taste can’t be that bad
WHy do you use PRE WORKOUT JUICE? doesn’t that only replenish your liver?
Well, I just ordered 2 tubs myself…I dont eat enough fruits and veggies either…so I will report back also!