Bill Roberts Diet Reveiw

255lbs (I thought I was 240! time to shed some lbs)
Bodyfat 20% That is a guess until I get it done early next week.

Here’s the plan:

Weight train every other day. (about an hour)
Cardio on non training days. (30-45 min)

Weight training Day:

240 G protein
175 G carbs (with about 70 of them after I train)
fat 60 g (flax, nuts, a little beef)

Cardio days:

Protein: 240 g
Carbs: 70 g
fat: 100 g

6 meals on both days with the last few maels likely being low or no carb.

Yes, I will be on androgens most likely around 1000mg of a long acting T ester.

Usually when I get down to 16% my body starts to really fight me, I am hoping the higher fat, & carb cycling will do the trick. (I am sure the juice will make a difference to.)

I was also thinking of using some Arimadex every 3 days.

*What modifications would you make to this plan?

I’d eat MORE carbs everyday! Take in about 50g fat along with more like 200g carbs.