Hey my friend asked me a question a didn’t know how to respond. He asked “Dude if I’m like having problems getting my willey to grow, you know with my cycle coming to an end. Is it cool to take viagra so that my chick doesn’t wonder why my Stanley won’t drill for hours upon hours(more like minutes according to his woman)”. Anyway I personally have never had this problem being the T-man that I am. So what do I tell my friend (he’s not really my friend, just a jack ass that always asks me gear related questions)?
Provided that the problem is simply a lack of erectile function and not a lack of sexual desire, I don’t see anything horribly wrong with it. Although, I don’t have any experience with viagra and I don’t know of anyone else who has done this. Still, your “friend” could try it, starting at a lower dosage and see how things work from there. A starting dosage would be around 25mg about an hour before the “ass tapping” begins. If that doesn’t work, try increasing the dosage by another 25mg.
As Cy said, Viagra will have zero effect
on libido, so if the sex drive just isn’t
there it is worthless, but what it will do
is add at least one “letter grade” to the
quality of the erection that does exist.
So basically, if this guy is a limp noodle
after a few minutes, Viagra won’t really
help. If it’s “there” and usable but not
as good as it should be, then Viagra will
give a worthwhile improvement.
For some users it works better
than for others and the improvement might
be more than I’m saying, but still there
does have to be at least a partial erection
or nothing will happen with Viagra.
There is no problem using Viagra and AAS
at the same time.
It is a good idea to increase the dose
progressively as Cy suggested, even though
100 mg is generally safe and is an appropriate
amount, because a minority of users are
unusually responsive to the drug and why
take chances.