New member. Just began cypionate regimen

Been lifting for a few years, but getting killed by injuries work/training/motorcycle related. I have gotten over most of the injuries and been at it real hard for 6 months, and a friend decided to use me as a guinea pig.

He will take 250/w and begin lifting. I am already lifting and am taking 125 every three days. It has been about three weeks for me. I have gotten slight acne, hard nipples, red face and a nearly perpetual boner. Didnt have any ed problems prior.

Last week i fought a grizzly bear and raped three oxen. (Not really, but wait a week and we will see.)

Anyway, i am 40 yo, 6ft1 and 260. But wondering if anyone has advice. Also, anyone in austin area that wa
nts to come work out with me, let me know

Advice about what?

What’s your plan after the end of this experiment? Did you get any pre-cycle bloodwork?


Well you’re likely severely overweight. My advise is to lean up before considering PEDs.


I had planned to go the TRT route so I could do a panel. That makes sense. But my friend got the cyp, and I got excited. My plan afterwards is murky, hence while I am here. The dosage I am on is higher than TRT, but a pretty weak cycle. So I don’t know if I really need PCT which is kind of why I am asking.

Do I need to see what happens when i go off, or should I cruise with a125mg dose per week for a few months, or should I just go with a pct? If so, what pct do you recommend?

What do you mean by PEDs? Are you saying the test I am on, or adding steroids?
I don’t plan on doing added steroids, and I was under the impression the test i am on will help lean me out while i retain more muscle than without it.

You’re shutting down your natural production for very little if any benefit at all. Don’t take this the wrong way but you don’t know what you’re doing and if you’ve only been on for a couple of weeks I suggest you quit cold turkey. All of the questions you’re asking you should already have the answers to before screwing with your hormones.


I wont take it the wrong way. I don’t know what I am doing. Hence why I am asking. Lmao.

I am shutting down my natural testosterone. I have had symptoms of low t and so was going to go on trt anyway. After this, i will go on trt, so the shutting down of natural testosterone isnt very scary.

I should have the answers to the questions before i started. But i didnt. That is where we are And if i had, i wouldnt be here.

Being that i am at this point where i did things that i shouldnt have, but am not having adverse side affects, i am looking for advice and if yours is to discontinue, that is fine, and i appreciate it.

I am not coming here as an expert, just wanted to hear from people that have done it.

My plan is to set up an appointment with a trt guy and see if he wants to get labs during cycle or after. In the meantime, i am having a lot of fun and am interested in what others suggest who have more experience.

I would also beg to differ about the no benefits. I feel fucking amazing

Test taken at higher than replacement dose or unscripted is a PED. You’re taking it as such.

Depends on your levels before starting. If they were paltry than probably a bit. Most of your weight loss would come from time working,out with your new found motivation via the Test. However if you don’t adjust the nutrition plan that got you to 260lbs your results will not be ideal.

Well. I appreciate your input. I will keep you guys posted. My workouts are a lot better. I loved working out before. But now it is more intense

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drop to 200mg of test per week. Get a blood test. Likely should be splitting an aromosin pill and taking a half with each injection. Look into sleep hygene from Huberman. Dietwise you gotta up the protein less carbs. When in doubt eat like a man not like a 12 year old. follow a reasonable upper lower workout

I don’t follow. Is your friend running AAS or are you? Are you guys competing against each other or something?

What are your workouts composed of; how long and how often? If everything (diet, sleep, workout in that order) is not already dialed in, you will be disappointed with test.

You need labs first; it doesn’t matter if your buddy got some gear, if you don’t know what you’re doing with it—meaning your not dialed with labs—you’re going down a bad path.

Not competing, necessarily. I have been working out like a beast for a few years. He has been sedentary. I am hoping he will get there.

I do wish i got my labs for sure, but i hardly think they would have been kryptonite or anything.

I have been working on sleep. 6 1/2 to 7 1/2 hours. Trying to get to 8.

Workiuts are a big four with accessories that make big four better. Press over bench. Squats and deadlifts bread and butter

Thanks man. I will check him out. I need all the help o can get with my sleep. I have a machine, but before that i was just beating my head against a wall and not recovering. It is a journey.

I dont know a lot, but what little research i have done is pretty anti aromatase inhibitor

If you have hard nipples and acne on your current dose, you are likely aromatizing more due to your body composition.

As mentioned above, you have likely shut down your own production for a slight bump (depending on how low you were) from the Cyp. For some reason, your body is converting the exogenous to estrogen more than your natural production.

For some, an AI is not a good idea - myself included. For others, a necessity (ymmv).

Hence the recommendations for blood tests prior to starting a cycle, and during a cycle - usually after six weeks, then every twelve weeks.

Yeah. That is the shame about skipping the pre labs. It would give a lot of context to my labs i get during and to a degree after.