Bill, a Mag-10 question

This one made it to the forum once before, but nobody answered it so it passed on into obscurity. I was reading up on Mag-10, and it occurred to me that I have no idea how much 1-Test or 4-AD are in it. How much?

The bottle says 300mg per serving, but I don’t how much of each.

think it’s 150mg of both 4AD-EC and A1E.

The exact mixture is being kept proprietary. It is legal for us to label
MAG-10 as we do and therefore prevent would-be competitors from being given
“free information” – even though they don’t have an assay and can’t determine
it for themselves. (Yes, we have patent protection as well, but we also
want to protect the exact formulation.)

Rest assured, both are present in large amounts. The balance was determined
for efficacy, not manufacturing cost, and then price was set according to
the resulting manufacturing cost.