Okay, so I know the idea of cardio hampering mass gains, but I also know Berardi keeps doing cardio regardless and just ups calories. I’m just wondering what impact my 20 minute, 2x a day, bike ride to work and home will have on my gains. I can’t eliminate it from my day as it’s my transportation, but I don’t really consider it like “high impact” cardio because it’s not really a balls-to-the-wall ride that I do. Anyone else do the same thing? I’m just curious how folks tailor their routines to this (extra calories, post-ride drink or anything, etc etc). Thanks.
Go balls to the wall. Get on your bike and just hall fucking ass the entire way. My days were always better when I did it that way, even though I was sweating so much I had to towel off before work. You should cut the time in half. 10 minutes of high intensity cardio twice a day five days a week is perfect and your mind set for being explosive will be much better. A ho hum ride will drain you but if you just flat out go you will be energized and ten minutes every eight to twelve hours shouldn’t hamper gains at all. I would drink water before and high protien recovery shake after. If that is breakfast you are going to need a snack before lunch. Remember to time yourself everyday. You should be looking for gains on your time also. Bigger-faster-stronger baby…Good Luck
That will not hamper gains. Period. I squat and deadlift over 500lbs and bench 390 at a bodyweight of 197. I do 40 minutes of cardio 5-6 days/week along with my weight training.
Make sure you are taking in at least 1 1/2 grams of protein/lb of bodyweight. If you do not do this then you will gain little with or without cardio.