So its been a year of regular bicep training for me. I have realized i have no outer bicep,no peak. dafuq you guys do for this? professor? anyone? give me your routines!
fuck man looking at the pics in comparison its like my bicep got smaller but my tricep got bigger. anyone know wtf is going on here?
Well… the first question is what have you been doing for your training? For all we know you could’ve been doing 3 sets of 10 curls with 1 kg dumbbells once a week.
yeah its like my triceps have grown but the bicep has come to a halt. i usually mix it up. sitting curls with 40’s. i pyramid hammer curls up to 45’s. mostly just been doing barbell up to the 80lb bar. i will preacher curl now and again. in total i do about 9 sets for biceps in the gym. havent done 21’s in a while. suggestions please. also i do about 3 sets on back day.
Do the first exercise for 5x5 to get strength up, one or two exercises for 3x10 as normal and then final exercise do 10x10 or 7x15 with 20 sec rests as a pump finisher
like how people come here asking for advice and don’t even have the decency to post their complete routine (frequency, sets, volume, what do you eat, have you gained weight, have your lifts increased)
Thanks for the advice rampant badger. That sounds like a great idea compared to what most suggest. I figured it was more of a volume thing than a movement issue. And for frogger. i am new here,i am trying. ill put it on my bio. Being an elitist isnt a good way to make friends anyway dude. If anyone else has advice id love to hear it.
ya know what. ill make it easy.
my split is this:
fri-arms,forearms(the only subcategory that applies)-9 sets of biceps,sitting curling movement,concentration curling,barbell curling,preacher curling. these all vary depending on what movement i feel like doing. but all my sets pyramid up in weight and down in reps. 12,10,8 i squeeze at the top of the rep. i stretch. after that is 12 of tri’s and 3 to 4 sets of forearms. then core.
sun-extra core,weak point training,cardio
i just gained 13lbs in 2 weeks. 1 year ago i was 163 went up to 175 then 180 then back to 169. now at 182.
i started at 245 3 years ago. lost 85lbs. have had no trainer and weak girly man friends. i do my best.
as far as my diet,you can consider mariusz pudzianowski my diet coach. i eat everything i can.
What in the fuck did I just read? 25 Sets for your arms, and you wonder why they DON’T grow? And you gained 13 pounds in two weeks? If this isn’t trolling then I have no words to describe your post. What do you do for legs/back/shoulders?
Since when is that too much? Ive seen people do much more. like i said before. no trainer. im not trolling this is advice needed. im in the damn beginner forum. jesus. I have no idea how the weight came that fast. Im sure a bit of it is water.
Legs- quad raises,adductor machine,calve raise machine,calve raises(leg press machine),ham and glute raises,leg presses. in all i do about 12 sets of legs.
back-upright row,low row(close grip),low row(wide grip),every other week barbell row,dumbbell row. total 12 sets usually.
shoulders-lateral raises,OHP,anterior deltoid raise(sitting or standing),posterior cable pull or dumbbell raise,trap bar shrugs,dumbbell shrugs. i do 7 movements 3 sets a piece. again if its too much say so i am learning.
13 pounds in 2 weeks is ridiculous. You need to get your diet controlled. It either looks like you could be BLOATED from a sudden influx of carbs or your just eating/BINGING crazily. 12 sets of triceps and 9 sets of biceps isn’t too much. I was just talking about the weight gain.
If your biceps will not grow and you’ve put serious time (longer than 6 months) in trying to get them to grow then try some super sets, giant sets, drop sets, heavy reps, different tempos, change exercises often, 100 rep sets, run the rack, weighted chin ups.
Heck there’s a lot to do. But after a year and your diet was in check and you trained with all of these different tools and still didn’t see results; then id say GENETICS.
Still defintely not trolling. But yeah ive been eating like crazy. Itll probably fluctuate back down later this week or next week. but my main issue(other than biceps) is i have been gaining muscle,but not weight. i stayed in between that 163 and 175 for a good while before this weird weight gain. My strength went up in areas. but not in arms. back got way stronger,chest grew and got stronger. abdominals grew. but never gained weight.
I will stress how much of a beginner i am on every thread or post. im not fucking with you guys. i posted on tnation because after hours of lurking and noticing how knowledgeable most people are on here,you are who i turned to for help.
[quote]Swolatron420000 wrote:
Still defintely not trolling. But yeah ive been eating like crazy. Itll probably fluctuate back down later this week or next week. but my main issue(other than biceps) is i have been gaining muscle,but not weight. i stayed in between that 163 and 175 for a good while before this weird weight gain. My strength went up in areas. but not in arms. back got way stronger,chest grew and got stronger. abdominals grew. but never gained weight.
I will stress how much of a beginner i am on every thread or post. im not fucking with you guys. i posted on tnation because after hours of lurking and noticing how knowledgeable most people are on here,you are who i turned to for help.
i am serious. [/quote]
If those are your arms in your avi, they look pretty damn big.
i noticed that your program didnt include any squats, unless i overlooked it, but a squat is the best lift to increase testosterone and testosterone=bigger muscles. I realize the lift doesnt target the biceps but im sure an increase in testosterone will increase your biceps size