Biceps Circumference

Hi everyone, I was just curious what your arm measurements were relative to the size of your wrists and your body weight and height.

Measure your arms flexed not pumped.

Arms = 17
wrist = 7.5
body weight = 182 pounds
Height = 5,11

Bicep, cold, = 18 3/8inches (yes I’m proud of the 3/8in!)
Bodyweight = 265lb
Height = 6ft
Wrist = 7 1/2 ins

Would the “wrist cicumference x 2.3” comment have sparked this?


I don’t put much stock in the relationship between wrist circumference and biceps size potential. If nothing else, it could mentally limit what someone thinks they can accomplish before they even start. Your ability to visualize a goal is often more important and valuable than your efforts. It is why some people keep pushing when others gave up a long time ago.

Professor beat me to it by a little more than three hours.

[quote]ZEB wrote:
Professor beat me to it by a little more than three hours.[/quote]

As you age, you have to work harder to stay faster.

maloneted, LOL you said it Pal!

when people quote bicep sizes, do they always measure them flexed, and not pumped? (forearm at right angle to bicep, typical biceps pose?). i always thought it should be best to measure arm fully extended, and unflexed.


Chris, yeah, the convention is definitely flexed. My guess would be unflexed could vary a lot based on arm length, muscle shape, etc, whereas flexed, while there is still variation, you are getting full size potential.


My guns are around 17.25", 220ish lbs. Don’t know wrist size, and don’t really care (see professor and ZEB’s posts). Damn things are probably shrinking as I languish with this freaking cold though :-P. Goal is 20ish.

Damn, guess I just added an inch to my arms overnight. That sure beats those BS one-day arm cures.

When I measure clients for upper arm circumference, I always do it with:

  • upper arm at a 90 degree angle (side) from the body
  • forearm at a 90 degree angle (up) from the upper arm.
  • biceps flexed
  • palm facing the side of the head

I do this because it’s easier to measure the arm when it’s well away from the body, and because everyone wants to flex their biceps when it gets measured. So I just tell them to flex as much as they can, providing that their elbow stays at a 90 degree angle.

Cold arm circumference is 16 3/4, but my wrists are only 6 1/2. I’m 5-8 205, but at 17% BF. In top shape more like 190. Also I do no direct bicep work. I did bench 345 with small wrists and on the way to 400.